CMSC 451: Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Summer 2009
CMSC 330: Organization of Programming Languages, Summer 2007
CMSC311: Computer Organization
CMSC212: Introduction to Low-Level Programming Concepts
ESA 2010 (9/7/10)
Spatio-temporal Range Searching Over Compressed Kinetic Sensor Data
Dissertation defense (7/30/10)
Geometric Algorithms for Objects in Motion
dissertation presentation
MASSIVE 2010 (06/17/10)
Spatio-temporal Range Searching Over Compressed Kinetic Sensor Data
Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry (11/13/09)
Spatio-temporal Range Searching Over Compressed Kinetic Sensor Data
Swarthmore College (10/23/09)
Compressing Kinetic Data From Sensor Networks
AlgoSensors 2009 (7/11/09)
Compressing Kinetic Data From Sensor Networks
Social Networks Seminar (3/06/09)
Networks Chapter 5: Structural Balance
Arcadia University Mathematics Education Colloquim (2/19/09)
How do Computers Solve Geometric Problems?
Dissertation Proposal (1/14/09)
Algorithms for Calculating Statistical Properties of Moving Points
prospectus presentation
CMSC630: Theory of Programming Languages
CMSC631: Program Analysis and Understanding
CMSC651: Analysis of Algorithms
CMSC652: Complexity Theory
CMSC660: Scientific Computing I
CMSC734: Information Visualization
CMSC754: Computational Geometry
CMSC828N: Computational Gene Finding and Genome Assembly
EDPL757: College Teaching (Syllabus pdf)