PhD Alumni

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Displaying 451 - 500 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
Kumaresan Ranjit 2012 Broadcast and Verifiable Secret Sharing: New Security Models and Round Optimal Constructions  Jonathan Katz
Kushner Todd 1982 A theoretical model of interprocessor communication for parallel image processing Azriel Rosenfeld
Kuter Uger 2006 Planning Under Uncertainty: Moving Forward  Dana Nau
Labrinidis Alexandros 2002 Online View Selection for the Web Nicholas Roussopoulos
Lakshman T.V. 1986 Message-Complexity vs. Delay Tradeoffs in Decentralized Consensus Protocols Ashok Agrawala
Lakshman Tirunella 1986 Message-Complexity vs. Delay Tradeoffs in Decentralized Consensus Protocols Ashok Agrawala
Lam Michael 2014 Automated Floating-Point Precision Analysis  Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Lampton James 2015 Pig Squeal: Bridging Batch and Streaming Processing Using Incremental Updates  Ashok Agrawala
Lan Shiyi 2022 Object Detection and Instance Segmentation for Real-world Applications  Larry Davis
Langmead Benjamin 2012 Algorithms and High Performance Computing Approaches for Sequencing-Based Comparative Genomics  Steven Salzberg
Lapizco Encinas Grecia 2009 Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization for Combinatorial Problems  James Reggia
Larsen Ronald 1981 Control of Multiple Exponential Servers with Applications to Computer Systems Ashok Agrawala
Lee Woei-Jyh 2009 A Framework for Discovering Meaningful Associations in the Annotated Life Sciences Web  Louiqa Raschid
Lee Tak Yeon 2017 Toward Symbiotic Human-AI Interaction Focusing On Programming By Example  Ben Bederson
Lee Jaehwan 2012 Decentralized Resource Orchestration for Heterogeneous Grids  Alan Sussman
Lee Kyungjun 2022 Egocentric Vision in Assistive Technologies For and By the Blind  Hernisa Kacorri
Lee Kookjin 2017 Fast and Optimal Solution Algorithms for Parameterized Partial Differential Equations  Howard Elman
Lee Youndo 2017 Improving Accuracy and Efficiency of Network Measurement by Identifying Homogeneous IPV4 Addresses 
Lee Sung 1998 A Study of Cyclone Technology Ashok Agrawala
Lee Chang 2005 Perceptual Graphics for Effective Visualization  Amitabh Varshney
Lee Bongshin 2006 Interactive Visualizations for Trees and Graphs  Ben Bederson
Lee Michael 2006 Spatial Modeling Using Triangular, Tetrahedral, and Pentatopic Decompositions  Hanan Samet
Lee Seungjoon 2006 WISE Abstraction Framework for Wireless Networks  Bobby Bhattacharjee
Lee Chia-Hoang 1983 The use of shading in image segmentation and surface orientation estimation Azriel Rosenfeld
Lee Che-Rung 2006 Residual Arnoldi Methods: Theory, Package, ind Experiments G.W. (Pete) Stewart
Lekakis Vasileios 2018 Decoupling Consistency Determination and Trust from Underlying Distributed Data Stores  Pete Keleher
Lemkin Peter 1978 Bone marrow smear image analysis Azriel Rosenfeld
Lemmer John 1976 Algorithms for incompletely specified distributions in a generalized graph model for medical diagnosis
Lentz Matthew 2020 Assurance and Control over Sensitive Data on Personal Devices  Bobby Bhattacharjee
Levi Shem-Tov 1988 A Methodology for Designing Distributed, Fault-Tolerant, and Reactive Real-Time Operating Systems Ashok Agrawala
Levin David 2010 Systems-Compatible Incentives  Bobby Bhattacharjee
Levine Alexander Jacob 2023 Scalable Methods for Robust Machine Learning  Soheil Feizi
Li Jingling 2023 Understanding and Enriching the Algorithmic Reasoning Capabilities of Deep Learning Models 
Li Zhiyun 2005 Capture, Recreation and Analysis of 3D Auditory Scene  Ramani Duraiswami
Li Jian 2011 Decision Making Under Uncertainty  Amol Deshpande
Li Ang 2017 Towards Robust Spatial Perception from Visual and Linguistic Information Larry Davis
Li Tongyang 2020 Quantum algorithms for machine learning and optimization  Andrew Childs
Li Hao 2017 Tom Goldstein
Li Hengduo 2022 Effective Training and Efficient Inference of Deep Neural Networks for Visual Understanding  Larry Davis
Liaghat Vahid 2015 Primal-Dual Techniques for Online Algorithms and Mechanisms  Mohammad Hajiaghayi
Liang De-Ron 1992 Synchronization issues in modeling parallel computation Satish Kumar Tripathi
Liao Gang 2022 The Evolution of Cloud Data Architectures: Storage, Compute, and Migration  Daniel Abadi
Liao Chunyuan 2008 "PapierCraft": A New Paper-Based Interface to Support Interaction with Digital Documents  François Guimbretière
Licamele Louis 2012 Knowledge Discovery from Gene Expression Data: Novel Methods for Similarity Search, Signature Detection, and Confounder Correction  Lise Getoor
Lieberman Michael 2012 Multifaceted Geotagging for Streaming News  Hanan Samet
Lim Ser Nam 2006 Sensor, Motion and Temporal Planning  Larry Davis
Lin Chih-Chen 1990 Coupling production systems and database systems :! homogeneous approach Timos Sellis
Lin Chih-Lung 1996 Context based approaches for aerial image exploitation
Lin King-Ip 1996 Indexing Non-traditional and Multimedia Data Types Christos Faloutsos
Lin Kwei-Jay 1985 Atomic remote procedure cal John D. Gannon