PhD Alumni

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Displaying 101 - 150 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
Navlaka Saket 2010 Algorithms to Explore the Structure and Evolution of Biological Networks  Carl Kingsford
Postow Brian 2002 Object based computation Carl Herbert Smith
Shaffer Jeffrey 1978 Automatic subroutine generation in an optimizing compiler Matthew Hecht
Thompson Scott 1994 Growth models for shapes Azriel Rosenfeld
Upton Richard 1984 A treatment analysis of computer communication networks Satish Kumar Tripathi
Canning John 1991 Recognizing deformable objects-- :! set snake methodology Azriel Rosenfeld
Chou Cheng-Fu 2002 Scalable Designs for Continuous Media Servers and Wide-area Upload Applications Leana Golubchik
Dunsmore Hubert 1978 The influence of programming factors on programming complexity John D. Gannon
Fayzullin Marat 2004 Algebraic Multimedia: Theory and Implementation  V.S. Subrahmanian
Golbeck Jennifer 2005 Computing and Applying Trust in Web-Based Social Networks  Hendler
Hayes Kenneth 1979 Reading handwritten Words Azriel Rosenfeld
Morell Larry 1983 A theory of error-based testing Richard G. Hamlet
Saksena Manas 1994 Parametric Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Systems Gerber Agrawala
Shakarian Paulo 2011 Spatio-Temporal Reasoning About Agent Behavior  V.S. Subrahmanian
Urhan Tolga 2002 Reactive Query Processing for Coping with Delays on Wide-Area Environments Michael J. Franklin
Farach-Colton Martín 1991 Efficient Replacement Strategies in the Memory Hierarchy Amihood Amir
Chelaru Florin 2015 Epiviz: Integrated Visual Analysis Software for Genomics  Hector Corrado-Bravo
He Hua 2017 Architecture, Models, and Algorithms for Textual Similarity  Jimmy Lin
Banerjee Saibal 1991 Algorithmic Aspects of MAP Estimation Azriel Rosenfeld
Delatorre Pilar 1987 Analysis of tries Gary Knott
Duric Zoran 1995 Geometric methods in visual motion analysis Azriel Rosenfeld
Heflin Jeffrey 2001 Towards the Semantic Web: Knowledge Representation in a Dynamic, Distributed Environment Hendler
Lee Chia-Hoang 1983 The use of shading in image segmentation and surface orientation estimation Azriel Rosenfeld
Lin King-Ip 1996 Indexing Non-traditional and Multimedia Data Types Christos Faloutsos
Morgenthaler David 1981 Three-dimensional digital image processing Azriel Rosenfeld
Shapiro Bruce 1978 Shape description using boundary sequences Azriel Rosenfeld
Uysal Mustafa 1999 Disk Placement in Multicomputer I/O Subsystems Joel Saltz
Bhowmik Anasua 2003 A general compiler framework for speculative multithreaded processors Michael J. Franklin
Chen Bo-Shoe 1982 Event-based specification and verification of distributed systems Raymond T. Yeh
Chu Jiang-Hsing 1989 An analysis of caching with an application to binary storage trees Gary Don Knott
Dyer Charles 1979 Augmented cellular automata for image analysis Azriel Rosenfeld
Huang Yennun 1989 Resource allocation with fault tolerance Satish Kumar Tripathi
Lin Kwei-Jay 1985 Atomic remote procedure cal John D. Gannon
Patro Robert 2012 Computationally Comparing Biological Networks and Reconstructing Their Evolution  Carl Kingsford
Silberberg David 2002 Uniform and High-level intelligent Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources Hendler
Vanderbrug Gordon 1977 Linear feature detection and mapping Azriel Rosenfeld
Kumar Srijan 2017 Characterization and Detection of Malicious Behavior on the Web  V.S. Subrahmanian
Ahuja Narendra 1979 Connectedness Properties of Bombing Patterns Azriel Rosenfeld
Arnold Robert 1983 On the Generation and Use of Quantitative Criteria for Assessing Software Maintenance Qualit Raymond T. Yeh
Chen Chia-Mei 1995 Scheduling issues in real-time systems Satish Kumar Tripathi
Ferreira Renato 2001 Compiler Techniques for Data Parallel Applications using Very large Multi-Dimensional Datasets Joel Saltz
Herman Martin 1979 Understanding body postures of human stick figures Azriel Rosenfeld
Kirby Robert 1983 Iterative Parallel Labeling for Pattern Recognition Azriel Rosenfeld
Pawagi Shaunak 1986 Incremental graph algorithms for parallel random access machines Ramakrishnan
Wang Yulu 2017 Selective Search Architectures and Brute Force Scan Techniques for Summarizing Social Media Posts 
Rao Jinfeng 2018 Temporal Context Modeling for Text Streams  Jimmy Lin
Shroff Nitesh 2012
Aksoy Demet 2000 On-demand data broadcast for large-scale and dynamic applications Michael J. Franklin
Barbour Garth 2002 Program Modeling: A Machine Learning Approach to Intrusion Detection Hendler