PhD Alumni

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Displaying 251 - 300 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
London Benjamin 2015 On the Stability of Structured Prediction  Lise Getoor
Khamis Sameh 2015 Leveraging Structure in Activity Recognition: Context and Spatiotemporal Dynamics  Larry Davis
Rekatsinas Theodoros 2015 Quality-Aware Data Source Management  Amol Deshpande
Lampton James 2015 Pig Squeal: Bridging Batch and Streaming Processing Using Incremental Updates  Ashok Agrawala
Stuckman Jeffrey 2015 Continuous, Effort-Aware Prediction of Software Security Defects  James Purtilo
Liaghat Vahid 2015 Primal-Dual Techniques for Online Algorithms and Mechanisms  Mohammad Hajiaghayi
Bach Stephen 2015 Hinge-Loss Markov Random Fields and Probabilistic Soft Logic: A Scalable Approach to Structured Prediction  Lise Getoor
Mardziel Piotr 2015 Modeling, Quantifying, and Limiting Adversary Knowledge  Michael Hicks
Chen Xi 2015 Context Driven Scene Understanding  Larry Davis
Nandy Kaustav 2015 Segmentation and Informatics in Multi-Dimensional Fluorescence Optical Microscopy Images
Kang Chanhyun 2015 Diffusion, Infection and Social (Information) Network Database  V.S. Subrahmanian
Alford Ronald 2014 Search Complexities for HTN Planning  Dana Nau
Quinn Alexander 2014 Crowdsourcing Decision Support: Frugal Human Computation for Efficient Decision Input Acquisition  Ben Bederson
Bista Sujal 2014 Visual Computing Tools for Studying Micro-Scale Diffusion  Amitabh Varshney
Stoker Geoffrey 2014 Analyzing the Combined Effects of Measurement Error and Perturbation Error on Performance Announcement Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Biswas Arijit 2014 Semi-Supervised and Active Image Clustering with Pairwise Constraints from Humans  David Jacobs
Chitnis Rajesh 2014 Directed Graphs: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Beyond Mohammad Hajiaghayi
Fontana Peter 2014 Towards A Unified Theory of Timed Automata 
Kayyoor Ashwin 2014 Minimizing Resource Consumption through Workload Consolidation in Large-Scale Distributed Data Platforms Amol Deshpande
Jiang Jiarong 2014 Efficient Non-Deterministic Search in Structural Prediction: A Case Study On Syntactic Parsing  Hal Daumé III
Sylvester Jared 2014 Neurocomputational Methods for Autonomous Executive Control James Reggia
Lam Michael 2014 Automated Floating-Point Precision Analysis  Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Zhai Ke 2014 Probabilistic Bayesian Models -Scalable Inference and Application Jordan Boyd-Graber
Monroe Megan 2014 Interactive Event Sequence Query and Transformation  Ben Shneiderman
Summers-Stay Douglas 2014 Productive Vision: Methods for Automatic Image Comprehension  John Aloimonos
Williams Gleneesha 2014 Shrink-Wrapped Security: Tightly Coupling Situation and Security  Ashok Agrawala
Wood Derrick 2014 Comparative and Computational Methods for Microbial Genomics  Mihai Pop
Sayyadi Hassan 2014 Authority Flow-Based Ranking in Heterogeneous Networks: Prediction, Personalization, and Learning to Rank  Louiqa Raschid
Cheng Kan Leung 2014 Agent Modeling in Repeated Stochastic Games  Dana Nau
Groce Adam 2014 New Notions and Mechanisms for Statistical Privacy  Jonathan Katz
Hu Yuening 2014 Expressive Knowledge Resources in Probabilistic Models  Jordan Boyd-Graber
Luo Yuancheng 2014 Fast Numerical and Machine Learning Algorithms for Spatial Audio Reproduction  Ramani Duraiswami
Tarkan Sureyya 2013 Interactive Visual Displays for Results Management In Complex Medical Workflows  Ben Shneiderman
Kumar Abhishek 2013 Learning with Multiple Similarities  Hal Daumé III
Moustafa Walaa El-Din 2013 Declarative Cleaning, Analysis, and Querying of Graph-structured Data  Amol Deshpande
Park Eunhui 2013 Dynamic Data Structures for Geometric Search and Retrieval  David Mount
Schulman Aaron 2013 Observing and Improving the Reliability of Internet Last-Mile Connectivity 
Taheri Sima 2013 Subspace Representations for Robust Face and Facial Expression Recognition 
Ture Ferhan 2013 Searching to Translate and Translating to Search: When Information Retrieval Meets Machine Translation 
Asadi Nima 2013 Multi-Stage Search Architectures for Streaming Documents 
Carr James Ryan 2013 Generation and Analysis of Strategies in an Evolutionary Social Learning Game  Dana Nau
Chabuk Timur 2013 Causally-Guided Evolutionary Computation for Design  James Reggia
Chen Daozheng 2013 Resource Allocation in Computer Vision  David Jacobs
Dondera Radu 2013 Improving Efficiency and Scalability in Visual Surveillance Applications  Larry Davis
Dunne Cody 2013 Measuring and Improving the Readability of Network Visualizations  Ben Shneiderman
Jagarlamudi Jagadeesh 2013 Discriminative Interlingual Representations for NLP  Hal Daumé III
Goyal Amit 2013 Streaming and Sketch Algorithms for Large Data NLP  Hal Daumé III
Juba Derek 2013 Highly Parallel Geometric Characterization and Visualization of Volumetric Datasets Amitabh Varshney
Guerra Gomez John 2013 Exploring Differences in Multivariate Datasets Using Hierarchies: An Interactive Information Visualization Approach  Ben Shneiderman
Eidelman Vladimir 2013 Improved Online Learning and Modeling for Feature-Rich Discriminative Machine Translation  Philip Resnik