Recent News & Accomplishments


Jack Minker is the recipient of the 2005 ACM/AAAI Allen Newell Award .  read more
Amy Karlson was selected as a Microsoft Research Fellow.  read more
Jen Golbeck was named one of the "Top 10 People to Watch" by IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine.  read more
Ben Bederson won an IBM Faculty Award for his work on Piccolo .  read more


Amol Deshpande has received an NSF CAREER award.  read more
Vic Basili is the subject of a cover story in the Jan/Feb issue of IEEE Software.  read more
Sujal Patel (B.S. 1996 C.S.), a co-founder of Isilon Systems, is the University of Maryland's Outstanding Young Alumnus for 2005.  read more
Vipin Kumar (Ph.D. 1982 C.S.) has been appointed Fellow of the ACM.  read more
Amitabh Varshney delivered a keynote speech at the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 05).  read more
Sergey Brin (B.S. 1993 C.S.) and Larry Page were named Man of the Year by the Financial Times .  read more