Evan Golub

1210 Brendan Iribe Center
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland
egolub AT cs.umd.edu
(replace AT with @ before sending)

Computer Science Department logo  Human-Computer Interaction Lab and Kidsteam logo

About Publications Projects Teaching Service & Societies Photography

Selected Papers, Presentations and Technical Reports:

  • "Life as a Robot (at CHI): Challenges, Benefits, and Prospects for Attending Conferences via Telepresence" (with Brenna McNally, Becky Lewittes, Alazandra Shorter, and The Kids of Kidsteam)
    Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2017.

  • "To point or click, that is the question!"
    Educational Technology: The Magazine for Managers of Change in Education 55(1). 2015.

  • "Children Initiating and Leading Cooperative Inquiry Sessions" (with Jason Yip, Elizabeth Foss, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Mona Leigh Guha, Leyla Norooz, Emily Rhodes, Brenna McNally, Panagis Papadatos, Allison Druin)
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. 2013.

  • "Cooperative Inquiry in Designing Technology in Life-Relevant Learning for Science"
    Proceedings of the Teachers College Educational Technology Conference. 2012.

  • "Children's Search Roles at Home: Implications for Designers, Researchers, Educators, and Parents"
    Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63(3), 2012.

  • "Social Norms of Students: Online Activities Surrounding a "First Date" Scenario"
    HCIL Technical Report (2011).

  • "Clickers in a Classroom: Learning Outcomes and Student Reactions"
    Teaching with Technology Volume 2: The Stories Continue, 2011.

  • "Children's Roles Using Keyword Search Interfaces at Home" (with Allison Druin, Elizabeth Foss, Hilary Hutchinson, Leshell Hatley)
    Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2010.

  • "How Children Search the Internet with Keyword Interfaces" (with Allison Druin, Elizabeth Foss, Leshell Hatley, Mona Leigh Guha, Jerry Fails, Hilary Hutchinson)
    Proceedings of ACM's Interaction Design and Children Conference, 2009.

  • "Exploring Cross-Language Communication for Children via a Word Guessing Game" (with Allison Druin, Anita Komlodi, Philip Resnik, Jenny Preece, et.al.)
    HCIL Technical Report (2008).

  • "Adding Societal Impact and Reflection to Information Technology Fluency Classes"
    The Journal of Literacy and Technology, Volume 8, Number 3: December 2007.

  • "PhotoCropr: A first step towards computer-supported automatic generation of photographically interesting cropping suggestions"
    HCIL Technical Report (2007).

  • "PCs in the Classroom & Open Book Exams"
    ACM Ubiquity, Volume 6, Issue 9 (March 15 - March 22, 2005).

  • "The Paperless Society and Me"
    University of Maryland Technical Report (2005).

  • "On Audience Activities During Presentations"
    Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 20, Number 3, 2005, 38-47.

  • "Supporting Faculty Goals During Student Presentations via Electronic Note-Taking"
    Proceedings of the 33rd Frontiers in Education Conference, 2004.

  • "Handwritten Slides on a TabletPC in a Discrete Mathematics Course"
    Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2004, 51-55.

  • "Enabling Electronic Notetaking in the Classroom"
    7th Annual Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, Towson University, April 5, 2003.

  • "When does a random Robin Hood win?" (with William Gasarch and Aravind Srinivasan)
    Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 304, Issues 1-3, July 2003, 477-484.

  • "Dynamic Query Choropleth Maps for Information Seeking and Decision Making" (with Kent Norman, Haixia Zhao and Ben Shneiderman)
    Proceedings of HCI International 2003.

  • "Dynamic Query Visualizations on World Wide Web Clients: A DHTML Approach for Maps and Scattergrams" (with Ben Shneiderman)
    International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, Volume 1, Number 1, 2003, 63-78.

  • "Constant Time Parallel Sorting: An Empirical View" (with William Gasarch, Clyde Kruskal)
    Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 67, Issue 1, August 2003, 63-91.

  • "PC-based Development Environments and a Unix-centric Curriculum: Some Practical Issues"
    Inroads - SIGCSE Bulletin, Volume 33, 2001, 51-54.

  • "Looking at Information Technology as an Individual, a Group, and as a Society" (with Jandelyn Plane, Douglas Oard, Claude Walston, Wayne McIntosh, Megan McCormick)
    8th Annual Teaching with Technology Conference, University of Maryland, March 30, 2001.

  • "A Survey of Constant Time Parallel Sorting" (with William Gasarch, Clyde Kruskal)
    Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 72, October 2000.

  • "Increasing the Efficiency of Vectorization Through the Use of Multiple Sub-Zones with Automatically Mutually Exclusive Nodes : A Case Study Through the Ising Problem" (with David Arnow)
    Brooklyn College Technical Report 92-14, 1992.

  • "Creation of a New Case for LUPSort : ALTERNATING" (with Moshe Augenstein)
    Proceedings of the 22nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1991, 108-111.

  • Books, etc.:

  • A TurningPoint Guidebook for Educators
    A guidebook for faculty planning on, or interested in, using Turning Technology student response devices in their class.

  • Leonardo's Laptop Chapter Questions
    A collection of questions to accompany "Leonardo's Laptop" by Ben Shneiderman.

  • A Microsoft Visual C++ Workbook
    A workbook designed for use by students learning or familiar with C++ that would like to learn how to use the Visual C++ environment. Special emphasis is placed upon learning how to use the integrated debugger.

  • Nothin' But Net: Computers, The Internet, Research & You (with Jandelyn Plane)
    A text book designed for use in an introductory computer science class for non-CS majors with a goal of Internet literacy.

  • This page last modified on Saturday, 09-Dec-2017 11:20:35 EST.
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