CMSC 417-0101

Computer Networks

Fall 2002
Last updated Tuesday Dec 24 12:43:51 EST 2002
Please check (reload) this page at least twice a week

Overview - News - Texts/Notes - Exams/Grading - Projects - Grades

Professor A. Udaya Shankar (email: Office hours: TuTh 2-3:30 pm or by appointment (AVW 4141)
TA Tamer (Sharno) Elsharnouby (email: Office hours: MW 2-3:30 pm or by appointment (AVW 1151)
Classes CSI 3117. TuTh 12:30-1:45pm
Newsgroup csd.cmsc417.0101 For discussion and programming projects; read on a regular basis.
Project page For project descriptions, deadlines, clarifications, grades, etc. (read regularly).



This class provides an introduction to computer networking. It covers basic networking concepts and algorithms, focussing on the Internet. The objective is an in-depth understanding of the TCP/IP protocol suite, datagram routing, congestion control, intra- and inter-domain routing, quality-of-service support, etc.

The programming project in this class involves a Java-based emulation of the transport layer. It is a major part of the course and is to be done individually. You have to design and implement a protocol that satisfies a transport-layer service specification.


Exam Schedule, Course Grading

The weightages are approximate and may change by upto 10%.

GRADING: You will get a score and a letter grade for the project and a score and letter grade for your exams. If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is D or less, then that is your course letter grade. If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is C or more, then your course letter grade is based on the sum of your project and exam scores.


All project info at project page

Additional References

Here are some popular networking texts that provide more detail than the Kurose-Ross text.

This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to it are copyrighted. Use of these pages for the class CMSC417 at the University of Maryland is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author (Udaya Shankar,