Spring 2017
Course Description

This course presents an introduction to the techniques for designing efficient computer algorithms and analyzing their running times. General topics include asymptotics, solving summations and recurrences, algorithm design techniques, analysis of data structures, and introduction to NP-completeness.
Course Information


  • Howard Elman (elman@cs.umd.edu), Office 3125 AV Williams
  • Clyde Kruskal (kruskal@cs.umd.edu), Office 3215 AV Williams


  • We will be using piazza for announcements and discussions. Please register yourself on Piazza. You can ask private questions (only instructor and TAs can see) or ask/reply anonymously. However DO NOT post your answer and ask if it is correct. If in doubt, ask private question or come during office hours.

Textbook (on reserve at McKeldin Library)

  • Cormen, Thomas H.; Leiserson, Charles E.; Rivest, Ronald L.; Stein, Clifford (2009). Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.). MIT Press (Any edition is fine)

Supplementary Book

Midterm Exams

  • Wednesday evening, March 8
  • Monday evening, April 3

Final Exam

  • Tuesday, May 16 from 4:00-6:00 PM


Office Hours

Web Accessibility