CMSC389N (Spring 2019) - Single Page Web Application Development With Javascript
This course provides an introduction to the development of single page Web-based applications (SPA's) using Javascript for both the front end client and back-end api/service. We will be devloping applications using a micro-service architecture pattern and discussing throughout the evolution of web application architectures and current trends.
Prerequisite → C- or better in CMSC 216
and CMSC 250
Credits → 3
Course Coordinators
Course Topics (Subject to Change)
- HTML5 overview
- Basic Elements
- Tables
- Lists
- Forms
- Canvas
- Introduction to Javascript
- Variables, data types, expressions, operators
- Conditional, iteration, statements
- Functions
- Arrays
- Protypes, Inheritance and Object-Oriented JS
- ES6 syntax and features
- Modular Javascript
- DOM, Events, Events Handling
- Javascript Event Loop, asychronous programming
- Functional programming paradigms in Javascript
- Server Side Javascript
- Introduction to node
- web api's, express
- data persistence with mongo db
- user authorization and authentication
- data validation on the backend
- unit testing, integration testing using Postman and curl
- Client Side Javascript
- Miscellaneous
50% | Projects / Exercises |
30% | Midterms(3), (10% each) |
20% | Final Exam |
Once we have graded any class material (e.g., exams, projects, etc.)
we will post an announcement and a deadline by which you must submit
any regrade request (if necessary). It is your responsibility
to submit regrade requests by the specified deadline; no regrade
requests will be processed afterwards.
- Deadlines -
All projects are due at 8 pm on the specified day
in the project description. You have until 8 pm of
the next day to submit your project with a 12%
penalty. Notice that after the late period, you will not receive
any points for your project, even though you still need to satisfy
the good faith attempt (see information below). For example,
if a project is due on Wednesday at 8 pm, you have until Thursday
at 8 pm to submit a late project with a 12% penalty. Any submission
after Thursday 8 pm will receive 0 pts.
- Project Submission -
We will be using Gitlab to distribute course material to you as well as receive your project submissions. Upon completing any assignment and pushing to your repo, please login to the university gitlab server and navigate to your course repo and verify that your changes are there.
- Which Project Gets Graded -
Your grade for an project will be based on the submission with
the highest score after the late penalty (if any) has been applied.
- Good Faith Attempt -
You must satisfy a minimum set of requirements for each project
(Good Faith Attempt) otherwise you will not pass the course (automatic
grade of F). Each project defines its own good faith attempt
criteria and a deadline to provide an implementation that satisfies
it. If you start a project on time, and look for assistance
(if required) you should have no problems satisfying the Good Faith
Attempt. The Good Faith Attempt guarantees you have the skills
necessary for upper-level courses. Notice that you will not
receive extra points for completing the good faith attempt. The
grade you obtain for a project will be based on your ontime/late
- Closed Projects -
All programming assignments in this course are to be written
individually (unless explicitly indicated otherwise). Cooperation
between students is a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity.
Regarding Posting of Project Implementations
Do not post your assignments' implementation online (e.g.,
GitHub, PasteBin) where they can be seen by others. Making your
code accessible to others can lead to academic integrity violations.
Posting of your projects in a private repository where only selected
people (e.g., potential employers) can see them is OK. Just make
sure is not a public site. Your course repo is not a public site.
Even if the course is over, do not make your code publicly available
to others.
- We constantly monitor online sources.
TA Room/Office Hours
Office hours get extremely busy the day before a project deadline.
Therefore do not wait to start your projects. Regarding office
hours and the TA Room:
Once you have been helped by a TA please leave the TA room. We
have a large number of students in all of our classes and the TA
room is really crowded.
If there is a line of students waiting, a TA should spent at most
5 minutes with a student. Please remind TAs about this rule.
We will be using (Piazza) for class
communication. You will not be able to register to Piazza yourself.
Your instructor will register you using the e-mail you have in the school
Excused Absence and Academic Accommodations
See the section titled "Attendance, Absences, or Missed Assignments"
available at Course Related Policies.
Disability Support Accommodations
See the section titled "Accessibility" available at
Related Policies.
Academic Integrity
Note that academic dishonesty includes not only cheating, fabrication,
and plagiarism, but also includes helping other students commit acts of
academic dishonesty by allowing them to obtain copies of your work. In
short, all submitted work must be your own. Cases of academic dishonesty
will be pursued to the fullest extent possible as stipulated by the
Office of Student Conduct.
It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating,
fabrication, facilitation, and plagiarism. For more information on
the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council, please
The CS Department takes academic integrity seriously. Information on how
the CS Department views and handle academic integrity matters can be
found at Academic Integrity.
The following are examples of academic integrity violations:
Hardcoding of results in a project assignment. Hardcoding
refers to attempting to make a program appear as if it works
correctly (e.g., printing expected results for a test).
Using any code available on the internet/web or any other
source. For example, using code from Sourceforge.
Hiring any online service to complete an assignment for you.
Sharing your code or your student tests with any student.
Using online forums (other than our Slack group or our Piazza account) in order to ask for
help regarding our assignments.
Additional information can be found in the sections titled
"Academic Integrity" and "Code of Student Conduct" available at
Course Related Policies.
All course materials are copyright UMCP, Department of Computer Science
© 2019. All rights reserved. Students are permitted to use course
materials for their own personal use only. Course materials may not be
distributed publicly or provided to others (excepting other students in
the course), in any way or format.