Specific Observations: Chicago

The number of hops on the route to this site is 6 and we observed no changes in this route. Runs to Chicago were mostly clean with very few losses. Those losses vary from 0% to 2.33 %. The ranges of loss percentage for other sites are given below:

Bethesda: 0.05% to 2.66%
Canada: 0.01% to 1.35%
Mexico: 0.075% to 18.02%
Italy: 0.767% to 40.08%
Taiwan: 1.26% to 15.22%

The average RTT value for this site ranges from 0.121 sec to 0.198 sec. The range of average RTT value for the other sites are given below:

Bethesda: 0.015 to 0.025 sec
Canada: 0.039 to 0.089 sec
Mexico: 0.122 to 0.411 sec
Italy: 0.232 to 0.923 sec
Taiwan: 0.309 to 0.432 sec

Min RTT was always constant (0.019sec) implying that this value represents the lowest possible round trip time to this site. Max RTT mostly ranged from 0.224 to 0.717. For one run, (02/20/98 at 11.30 ), the Max RTT went as high as 6.89sec and the number of reorders for this particular run was 45 (the highest observed to this site). Compare this to the numbers of reorders in all the other runs, which were very low and ranged from 0 to 9. Although there were many instances of consecutive packet losses observed on the link across UMD-UIC, some losses occurred one at a time. For example, on 02/17/98 at 11.30 there were five instances of consecutive packet losses and one instant of single packet loss. On 02/16/98 at 11:30 , we observed that the roundtrip time shows a step change behavior, remaining steady for approximately 8.67 min (13000 packets), with some variation during this time. All losses on 02/20/98 at 20:30, a total of 6, occurred one at a time. These losses were also periodic, occurring exactly after 8251 packets ( ~ 330-sec).

[Bethesda] [Canada] [Chicago] [Mexico] [Italy] [Taiwan]

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