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1 Mark-up in Typed Racket

Assignment 10: Typing Markup

Due: Tuesday, December 4, 11:59:59 PM EST.

The following should be completed in cooperation with your latest assigned partner. You may not share code for this assignment with anyone but your partner.

You must use the design recipe and The Style guidelines to receive full credit.

1 Mark-up in Typed Racket

This assignment deals with revisiting the Mark it problem and reformulating a solution to the problem in a typed programming language: Typed Racket.

You may start from a canonical solution the problem in ISL+: ml.rkt.

You should submit a Typed Racket program saved as tml.rkt.

In order to create a Typed Racket program, you will need change the language. To do this, create a new program, open the Choose Language menu item in DrRacket. Choose "The Racket Language". This will add #lang racket to the top of your file. Edit the line to be #lang typed/racket.

As mentioned in lecture, Typed Racket, unlike ISL+ and friends, does not have a testing framework built-in. So we will be using the rackunit library.

The following will import check-equal?, roughly analogous to check-expect from ISL+, from rackunit. It also renames it check-expect so that test look almost exactly like we used to write. We do this in the context of a test submodule, which is the idiomatic way of adding tests to Racket and Typed Racket programs:

#lang typed/racket
(module+ test
  (require/typed rackunit
    [(check-equal? check-expect) (Any Any -> Any)]))

You can now write functions and tests like this:

(: sqr : (Number -> Number))
;; Square the given number.
(module+ test
  (check-expect (sqr 5) 25)
  (check-expect (sqr -5) 25))
(define (sqr x)
  (* x x))

The trickiest part of getting start with this assignment is defining the types you will need for the rest of the program. Since this involves a couple features we haven’t discussed in class, the type definitions are given to you:

(define-type Content [Listof Item])
; Interp: a collection of content in a markup document
(define-type Item
  (U String
; Interp: an item in a document, either text or an element
(define-type Element (elem Tag Content))
; Interp: an element is content annotated with a tag
(define-struct (A B) elem ([tag : A] [content : B]) #:transparent)
(define-type Tag String)
; Interp: the name of the tag, e.g. "p"

The first definition is straightforward and uses the built-in parametric type Listof. The second definition, which was an itemization in ISL+, uses the U parametric type, which constructs an itemization of types. The third definition defines a structure type by fixing the the parameters of a parametric structure type to be specific types. Note that the use of #:transparent is a bit of Typed Racket magic to get the testing framework to work properly; don’t worry about it, but be sure to include it. The last definition sets up an alias by defining one type as equal to another.

We these definitions in place, it should be pretty easy to translate your ISL+ code in to Typed Racket. We suggest you do it peicemeal by tackling each exercise and getting it to work before moving on. Trying to do the whole thing at once will make life more difficult than it needs to be.

Real Talk About Numbers: we’ve mostly glossed over it in this class, but ISL+ and Typed Racket have a very sophisticated system of numbers that closely resemble what we think of as numbers in mathematics. So for example 2/3 is exactly the rational number 2/3. It’s not an approximation such as 0.666666666 as in many other programming languages. There’s also no such thing as the “largest” number, just like in math and again unlike most other languages. There are also imaginary numbers. So you can compute (sqr -1) for example, and it will produce 0+1i, i.e. a complex number with an imaginary part of 1.

So when we write Number in a data definition, or Number as a type in Typed Racket, we really mean all numbers: integers, rationals, complex numbers, etc. This can lead to some surprises when you try to assign types to your program because you often take for granted that mathematical operations are defined on all types of numbers. But this is not the case. It turns out asking if one number is less than another does not make sense when you’re considering complex numbers (well, really, it makes sense but is ambiguous and there is no one right “sense” that it makes). That means that if you wrote the following function to select the bigger of two given numbers, Typed Racket would not sign-off on this type for the function:

(: bigger : (Number Number -> Number))
(define (bigger n1 n2)
  (if (> n1 n2) n1 n2))

That’s because if you were to pass in complex numbers, which are numbers, the code would result in a run-time type error because > doesn’t work on complex numbers. So instead, you want to give a more restricted type to this function:
(: bigger : (Real Real -> Real))

This says you can pass in any kind of number that is not a complex number and it will work, and Typed Racket is cool with it. This issue will pop-up in exercise 7. END Real Talk About Numbers.