On this page:
1 Preparation
2 Graphical text editor
3 Project submission

Assignment 4: Style and design

Due: Wednesday, September 26, 11:59:59 PM EST.

The following should be completed in cooperation with your assigned partner from lab 1. (Partner assignments are listed on Piazza.)

This is the second assignment where you must use the design recipe and The Style guidelines to receive full credit. We will grade these aspect much more severely from now on.

1 Preparation

The following should be completed in cooperation with your assigned partner from lab 1. (Partner assignments are listed on Piazza.)

You must use the design recipe to receive full credit for this assignment. You must also follow The Style guidelines.

Make sure you have read and studied all of Part I of HtDP2e.

2 Graphical text editor

Create a file editor.rkt for this part of the assignment. Use the standard file header at the top of the file.

Complete exercises 83–87 from A Graphical Editor in HtDP.

You should create two files: editor1.rkt for problems 83–36 and editor2.rkt for problem 87.

3 Project submission

Submit editor1.rkt and editor2.rkt directly to the submit server by uploading it.

Note: you must submit both files in a single submission. You cannot submit one file, then submit the other. We will only see the latter and therefore only grade half your work.