Quantum Error Correction

Instructor: Daniel Gottesman (dgottesman@perimeterinstitute.ca, 519-569-7600x8581)
Location: Perimeter Institute, Bob room (405)
Time: Tuesdays 3:30 - 6:30
Term: Winter 2007
Office Hours: Perimeter Institute 458, Monday 3-4 PM, Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Course web page: http://perimeterinstitute.ca/personal/dgottesman/QECC2007

The class is now complete. Recordings of all of the lectures are available on the PI website.

The class was cross-listed for credit in the UW Physics and C&O departments as CO 781 and PHYS 773.

Course Material


Students are encouraged to take the course on a credit/no credit basis.

Late problem sets will be accepted for half credit, assuming they do not just copy the solution set.

The final paper required the student to read 2-3 research papers on a topic related to the subject of the course and write a paper presenting the results of the research papers. The students then had to give short presentations on the subjects of their papers on the last day of class.

The student presentations for the final project took place on April 3, 2007. They were not recorded.

A similar class was given in Winter 2004.