CMSC 414-0101

Computer and Network Security

Fall 2007
Check at least twice weekly. See News for last update
For more info, see my Fall 06 class page

Professor A. Udaya Shankar (email: Office hours: TuTh 12:30-1:30 or by appointment (AVW 4141).
TA Phil Huynh (email: Office hours: Mon 12-2pm or by appointment (AVW 1112).
Classes CSI 3117. TuTh 11:00-12:15pm
Project page For project descriptions, deadlines, clarifications, grades, etc. (read regularly)
Project overview F07 Project 1 F07 Project 2.



This course is an introduction to the broad field of network security (e.g., maintaining confidentiality of email, secure web transactions). We will stay close to the text, covering as much of it as we can, certainly including chapters 1-7 and 9-18.

Course topics (regularly updated)



Remaining 10% to be allocated later.

Practice exams

The only "practice" exams I will post will be the midterm exams from previous semesters, which are also publicly available on the previous class web pages. I suggest you don't look at this exam prematurely. In my opinion, the best use of this exam is to first prepare for this semester's midterm and then do the practice exam under exam conditions (including time duration) and see how you score (the scoring guidelines are also included in the exam solution).


Academic Integrity

This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to it are copyrighted. Use of these pages for the class CMSC414 at the University of Maryland is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author (Udaya Shankar,