CMSC 414-0101
Computer and Network Security
Spring 2010
Check at least twice weekly. See News for last update
- (May 19)
Final grades posted on
- (May 14)
Spring 2009 Exam 2.
No solution (as mentioned in class).
Ignore the IPsec problem.
- (Apr 27)
Standards slides (Kerberos, SSL, IPsec).
- (Apr 21)
Homework 4 (due april 29
may 4 in class).
- (Apr 14)
Project page has changes to TA office hours
and will soon have new project deadlines.
- (Apr 12)
Exam 1 solution and grading
Exam grades available.
Cutoffs and grade distribution:
A ≥ 45 (10 students)
B ≥ 36 (14 students)
C ≥ 30 (10 students)
D ≥ 25 (5 students)
F < 25 (2 students)
- (Apr 11)
Please contact the TA for ALL project questions.
- (Apr 2)
Project 2 posted (details on project page).
Deadline for Task 1 is Apr 14.
- (Apr 1)
Exam 1 review?.
Ask questions in class and I'll happily spend time on them.
- (Mar 30b)
Practice exams.
As suggested,
do an exam under exam conditions;
then see how you score;
then review the material you did not understand;
then repeat with the next exam.
Work your way from earliest to latest.
- (Mar 30a)
Exam 1 on April 8.
- (Mar 11)
Homework 3 (due April 1 Thursday in class):
Chapter 9, problems 2 and 3 (2nd edition of text).
- (Mar 11)
Exam 1 on April 6 or 8.
(deadline for dropping course: April 16).
- (Mar 2b)
- (Mar 2a)
Grades posted on
Projects posted on GRACE.
Check project page (link above) regularly.
- (Feb 18b)
TA office hours for next week changed to
Thursday (Feb 25) 3:30-5:30pm.
- (Feb 18a)
Talk: The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI);
an up-and-coming standard for using certificates to verify IP addresses.
By Dr. Stephen Kent (BBN Technologies, Cyber Security division in Columbia, MD)
PEPCO Room, KIM Engineering Building, UMD.
Thursday, 2/18, 6:30pm
BBN also looking to hire.
- (Feb 14b)
Homework 1 (due feb 23 in class).
- (Feb 14a)
Mini-job fair for CS students:
Several companies (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Booz Allen Hamilton,
DOJ, Macedon Consulting and Accenture) will be coming to do
presentations and meet students on Thursday 2/18/10 in CSIC from 5:30pm-8:00pm.
This course is an introduction to the broad field of computer network security,
examining algorithms and protocols for
confidentiality, authentication, non-repudiation, anonymity, etc.,
and applications involving them (secure email, secure web transactions, etc.).
Required text:
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, 2nd edition
by Kaufman, Perlman, and Speciner.
ISBN 0-13-046019-2.
In case you're wondering,
the first edition of this book is fine for most of the course.
There are only a few chapters (IPsec, SSL) that we cover
which are not present in the first edition.
So if you can access this material, the first edition should suffice.
Course topics,
roughly in the order to be covered.
Class notes:
Programming projects
Will be done on the OIT GRACE cluster.
Practice exams
The only "practice" exams I will post will be the midterm exams from previous semesters,
which are also publicly available on the previous class web pages.
I suggest you don't look at this exam prematurely.
In my opinion,
the best use of these practice exams is to
first prepare for this semester's midterm
and then do the following with each exam (from earliest to latest):
do a practice exam under exam conditions (including time duration);
see how you score
(the scoring guidelines are also included in the exam solution);
review the material you did not understand;
repeat with the next exam.
Regrade requests
Any regrade request (for exams, homeworks, projects) must be submitted
within a week of the grade being posted.
Midterm ------ approx 30% (Date: April 8)
Final ---------- approx 30% (Date: Mon, May 17 10:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Projects/Homework ---- approx 30%
Academic Integrity
Homeworks and projects are to be done individually.
You may consult outside references when doing the homework,
as long as these sources are properly referenced, you write up the solution yourself,
and you understand the answer.
For example, if you look at other source code,
you may not copy the code directly in your program,
but you may model your program after it. And you must reference it!
Academic dishonesty.
This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to
it are copyrighted.
Use of these pages for the class CMSC414 at the University of Maryland
is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author
(Udaya Shankar,