
(in reverse chronological order)
It should be understood that slides (attached here) only reflect the speaker's idea at the moment of giving the talks and might contain errors. Please be cautious when referring to statements from these slides. Comments are always welcome!
  • Hamiltonian-oriented Quantum Algorithm Design and Programming

    • 08/2023 Plenary talk at Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) 2023.

    • 09/2023 CS Seminar, Columbia University. slides (long version)

    • 09/2023 CS Seminar, University of Washington.

    • 11/2023 CQSE Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles.

    • 11/2023 CIQC Seminar, University of California, Berkeley. slides (short version)

  • Quantum Hamiltonian Descent (website)

    • 10/2022 Invited talk at the Fields Institute.

    • 10/2023 AWS-IQIM seminar, Caltech. slides

  • Quantum Machine Learning for Quantum Applications

    • Invited Talk at ICCAD 2021's special session on Quantum Machine Learning. slides video

  • An Invitation to the Intersection of Quantum Computing and Programming Languages

  • Automating NISQ Application Design with Meta Quantum Circuits with Constraints.

    • 12/2020 DOE Project Review. slides

  • Computational Thinking Toward End-to-End Quantum Applications.

    • 12/2020 AMSS-UTS Online Forum. slides

  • On the Principles of Differentiable Quantum Programming Languages.

    • 06/2020 In the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020). slides

  • How Hard Is It to Train Variational Quantum Circuits?

    • 02/2020 Quantum Algorithms Workshop at the Simons’ Institute for the Theory of Computing, UC Berkeley. video

  • Application and training of quantum generative models.

    • 12/2019 Q2B Practical Quantum Computing Workshop, San Jose. slides

  • Toward End-to-End Quantum Applications

    • (11/2019) Louisiana State University.

    • (11/2019) Texas Tech University.

    • (12/2019) Stanford University.

    • (12/2019) IQI Seminar, Caltech. slides (extended version)

  • Provable Quantum Speed-ups for Optimization and Machine Learning

    • (05/2019) 2nd IAMCS Workshop on Quantum Computation and Information, TAMU, 2019. slides

  • Quantum algorithms for semidefinite programs and convex optimization

    • (11/2018) Capital Area Theory Day, 2018. slides

  • Quantum query complexity of entropy estimation

    • (04/2017) Microsoft Research, Redmond.

    • (07/2017) Microsoft Quantum Algorithms Workshop, Redmond. slides

  • General randomness amplification with non-signaling security

    • (01/2017) The 20th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2017) slides video

    • (03/2017) IQI Seminar, Caltech.

  • Limitations of monogamy, Tsirelson-type bounds, and other semidefinite programs in quantum information

    • (12/2015) IQI Seminar, Caltech. slides

    • (08/2016) QMA(2) Workshop, QUICS, University of Maryland. slides

    • (01/2017) Check Anand's talk at QIP 2017 video

  • Randomness Extraction in the Presence of Quantum Side Information

    • (06/2015) 1st Trustworthy Quantum Information Workshop, Ann Arbor, USA. slides

    • (05/2015) Simon's Institute for the Theory of Computing, UC Berkeley. slides

  • New Upper and Lower Bounds for Entanglement Testing

    • (05/2015) Microsoft Research, Redmond. slides

  • Improved Entanglement Detection with Tools from Algebraic Geometry

    • (11/2014) Colloquium, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo. slides

  • Multi-Source Randomness Extractors Against Quantum Side Information

    • (11/2014) Theory Seminar, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond.

  • Physical Randomness Extractors

    • (07/2014) Gordon Research Seminar, Advances in Quantum Information Science, Stonehill College. slides

    • (03/2014) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

    • (02/2014) IQI Seminar, Caltech. slides

    • (05/2013) Quantum Information Processing Seminar, MIT. (under the title: Robust Full Randomness Extraction from Any Weak Source)

  • Equilibrium Value Method for Optimization Problems and its Applications in Quantum Computation

    • (04/2013) IQI Seminar, Caltech. slides

  • Applications of Sum of Squares in Quantum Information

    • (04/2013) University of California, San Diego.

  • Epsilon-net method for optimizations over separable states

    • (07/2012) The 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2012). slides

    • (03/2012) Tsinghua University.

    • (12/2011) The 15th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2012). slides

  • Parallel approximation of min-max problems with applications to classical and quantum zero-sum games

    • (06/2012) The 27th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC 2012). slides

    • (12/2011) The 15th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2012). blog report