PhD Preliminary: Supervision and Data Dynamics in Vision Across Recognition and Generation Landscapes

Saksham Suri
01.12.2024 13:30 to 15:00

This thesis looks at visual perception through the lens of supervision and data dynamics across recognition and generation landscapes. Generative and discriminative modeling form important pillars in computer vision. Depending on the kind of task one chooses the specific modeling approach to learn representations which capture the tasks essence better. Through this work we investigate different tasks along this landscape focusing on different supervision strategies, highlighting pitfalls in current approaches and propose modified architectures and losses to utilize the data better under different settings.On the recognition side we start by analyzing Vision Transformers (ViTs) through a comprehensive analysis under varied supervision paradigms. We look at a mix of explicit supervision, contrastive self-supervision, and reconstructive self-supervision by delving into attention mechanisms and learned representations. We then look at a different kind of supervision geared towards object detection which is called sparse supervision where their are missing annotations. We propose to utilize self and semi-supervised techniques to solve this task. Finally, we also explore a discovery style framework with applications on GAN generated image detection. We were the first work proposing this problem where instead of just identifying synthetic images, we also try to group them based on their generation source. The exploration of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in an open-world scenario uncovers the intricacies of learning with limited supervision for discovery style problems.On the generation side we delve into different supervision strategies involving decomposing and decoupling representations. In the first work we tackle the problem of paired Image-to-Image (I2I) translation by decomposing supervision into reconstruction and residuals and highlight issues with traditional training approaches. We also look at decoupling representations for the task of few-shot talking-head synthesis where the supervision is provided using only a few samples (shots). For this task we factorize the representation into spatial and style components which helps the learning. Finally, we look at multimodal supervision for lip-synchronized talking head generation. For this we incorporate audio and video modalities to synthesize lifelike talking-heads which can work even in in-the-wild scenarios.Lastly, we take a peek into two of our proposed works where we explore generative modeling to improve recognition models. The first work utilizes the advancements in diffusion based image generation models to improve recognition models by using synthetically generated data. The second work uses self-supervised learning to generate denser features from lower resolution ViT features.