CS Network Status

This page lists both active and recently closed CS network alerts. If you would like more information about an alert, or if you have an issue you would like to report, send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu or call extension 52720.

Current Active Alerts

There are no current active alerts. Network operations are normal.

Have an issue that you need to report? Send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu.

Have a question about department IT services? Check out our FAQ.

Past Alerts

Updated Issue Summary Impact
08.21.2024 17:05 Sun. 8/18/2024: Migration of mailing list server 10am - 2pm

During the maintenance period there will be brief disruptions in email sent to mailing lists.

No other impact on lists members.

List administrators will see significant changes in the user interface. Please view the email you received with Subj." mailing list migration."

08.21.2024 17:04 cpanel server upgrade

During the maintenance period there will be no access to the teaching cpanel server.

06.02.2024 22:40 Second attempt to upgrade Identity Management server.

We are performing upgrading one of our Identity Server. Some operations like updating passwords may not work properly during this upgrade.

05.30.2024 08:30 Wed. 05/29/2024 9 pm - 10:30 pm: upgrade Identity servers.

We are performing upgrade of our Identity Servers. Some operations like updating passwords may not work properly during this upgrade.

05.29.2024 14:45 Mon. 5/27: OS updates and server reboots

A few servers will recieve OS updates followed by a server reboot. Minor disruption. For details of specific servers, Please refer to email sent 5/24 @ 2:39 w/ Subj. "Mem'l Day, 5/327:Low impact maintenance" (yes typo was in the email that was sent.)

04.04.2024 17:05 Printer Maintainence Apr. 4th 5PM-5:30PM

Printers in Iribe will be shortly unavailable. 

03.20.2024 14:09 Spring Break: CSD System Maintenance (multiple days)

Daily maintenance scheduled 3/16 - 3/19. Dates 3/17 - 3/19 will impact commonly used services. Dates 3/16 & 3/18 most will see no disruption with minimal disruption for specific users. Please refer to email w/ Subject includes "Maintenance" sent on 3/15.

03.11.2024 16:40 Mar. 11 1:40PM - 2:30PM Emergency Maintainence

Department websites and directories were unavailable due to storage server issues.

01.05.2024 09:11 Dec 25-31 - Minor Network Changes

We will be making some changes to address an issue found during our failover testing on Sunday. We don't expect users to notice any issues. We will announce further failover testing to confirm the issue has been resolved.

12.24.2023 15:48 Dec 24, 2PM-8PM - Network Failover Testing, no singificant impact expected Moderate