The Department congratulates the participants of the REU CAAR Summer Program

Pictured above, from left to right:

Front Row: Samir Khuller, Prayas Timalsina, Louiqa Raschid, Lynesia Taylor, Clyde Kruskal, Ellen Vitercik, Dao Lu, Chunxing Yin, Natalie Wilkinson, Naomi Becker, Daniel Pareja, Jassiem Ifill
Back Row: Bill Gasarch,  Jonathan Katz, Frederic Koehler, Matthew Das Sarma, Aaron Lowe, Eric Weaver 

Combinatorial Algorithms Applied Research (CAAR) is a 10 week NSF funded* research program designed to bridge the disconnect between the core algorithms community and research communities in other disciplines within Computer Science. It is an REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program that aims to expose undergraduate students to applied research projects that need the design of new algorithms.

For more information about the program, visit its website (