Recent News & Accomplishments


Vic Basili is the subject of a cover story in the Jan/Feb issue of IEEE Software.  read more
Sujal Patel (B.S. 1996 C.S.), a co-founder of Isilon Systems, is the University of Maryland's Outstanding Young Alumnus for 2005.  read more
Vipin Kumar (Ph.D. 1982 C.S.) has been appointed Fellow of the ACM.  read more
Amitabh Varshney delivered a keynote speech at the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 05).  read more
Sergey Brin (B.S. 1993 C.S.) and Larry Page were named Man of the Year by the Financial Times .  read more
A paper by Lorin Hochstein , Jeff Carver, Forrest Shull , Sima Asgari , Victor R. Basili , Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth , Marvin V. Zelkowitz just won the award for best paper by a student lead author at SC'05 .  read more
Martin Paraskevov, Mohammad Toossi, and Nikolas Coukouma won the 2005 ACM Mid-Atlantic USA Programming Contest .  read more
Bonnie Dorr has been elected Vice President of the Association for Computational Linguistics .  read more
Ashok Agrawala has been made a Fellow of the AAAS .  read more
V.S. Subrahmanian 's IMPACT and STORY projectsboth received honorable mentions in Computerworld 's Horizon Awards for innovative software.Of the 28 projects to receive awards, these were the only university projects.  read more