Evan Golub

Principal Lecturer

- Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1999
Evan Golub, Ph.D. is a Principal Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland and an Assistant Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab. He has been involved in the creation of, or modification of, numerous courses across the curriculum at the University. His prior research interests have ranged from artificial intelligence and concurrent programming to ubiquitous computing to theoretical computer science to educational classroom technologies to children and technology design, but currently his focus is on creativity support tools and XR. In these areas he works to understand how users can utilize technology across the spectrum of skill and experience bases to achieve a variety of goals. He disseminates his results through submissions to journals and to conferences.His research approach commonly incorporates student involvement; at both the graduate and undergraduate level. He sees his work with students not only as a part of his role as educator but also a valuable part of both the creative and research processes. He has co-authored a textbook on Information Technology, and authored a Visual C++ workbook and Student Response System faculty guidebook, and is an avid photographer and photojournalist.