Maryland team competes for MIT Clean Energy Prize

Teams representing the University of Maryland, Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, MIT, and Harvard were selected from two dozen semifinalists competing to win the $200,000 MIT Clean Energy Prize -- a national annual competition for the best clean energy business venture. The finalists (who have already received a $15,000 cash prize to jump-start business ventures featuring their clean energy innovations) will present their plans to a grand-prize judging panel at an awards ceremony held at the MIT Faculty Club on May 11th. The grand-prize winner will be awarded $200,000 by NSTAR and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The Maryland team is composed of John Silberholz (undergraduate CS major and co-founder/CTO of a company called Enertaq)and Max Epstein (undergraduate Economics major'09).

The proposal presents a system to manage energy use in large commercial buildings to balance the electrical grid minute-to-minute by adjusting electricity demand.

The complete article can be found at:

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