Department Phonebook: Faculty

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
Last First Title Location Phone E-mail Web
Photo of Anwar Mamat Mamat Anwar Senior Lecturer IRB 2248 (301) 405-2696 anwaratcs[.dot.]umd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Jennifer Manly Manly Jennifer Adjunct Lecturer IRB 2224 jmanlyatumd[.dot.]edu (email)
Photo of Dinesh Manocha Manocha Dinesh Professor
Paul Chrisman Iribe Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering, Distinguished University Professor
IRB 5164 (301) 405-2741 dmanochaatumd[.dot.]edu (email)
Photo of Richard Marciano Marciano Richard Affiliate Professor HBK 4113 South (301) 314-0281 marcianoatumd[.dot.]edu (email)
Photo of Michael Marsh Marsh Michael Senior Lecturer IRB 2218 (301) 405-7445
(240) 270-2276
mmarshatcs[.dot.]umd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Keith Marzullo Marzullo Keith Affiliate Professor
Dean, iSchool
4105 Hornbake Library (301) 405-2033 marzulloatumd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Michelle Mazurek Mazurek Michelle Associate Professor
Director, Maryland Cybersecurity Center
AVW 4465 (301) 405-6463 mmazurekatcs[.dot.]umd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Christopher Metzler Metzler Christopher Assistant Professor IRB 4236 metzleratumd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Ian Miers Miers Ian Assistant Professor IRB 5242 imiersatumd[.dot.]edu (email)
Photo of Carl Miller Miller Carl Adjunct Associate Professor ATL 3100K (301) 405-7367 camilleratumd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Stevens Miller Miller Stevens Lecturer AVW 3251 stevensmatumd[.dot.]edu (email)
Photo of Erin Molloy Molloy Erin Assistant Professor IRB 4212 ekmolloyatumd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage
Photo of Maksym Morawski Morawski Maksym Lecturer IRB 2234 morawskiatumd[.dot.]edu (email)
Photo of David Mount Mount David Professor IRB 4246 (301) 405-2704 mountatcs[.dot.]umd[.dot.]edu (email) homepage