
We are a department of excellence. The University of Maryland’s computer science faculty continually embarks on cutting edge research, produces award winning papers, and teaches students a foundation of skills to launch their own accomplishments.

We graduate qualified students that earn competitive jobs. Many UMD alumni have become professors at high ranked universities, researchers at well-known industrial labs and software engineers at successful Internet start-ups. Some of our notable alumni include Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google; Gary Flake, a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer and founder of Yahoo! Research Labs; and Naresh Gupta, senior vice president of Adobe’s Print and Publishing Business Unit. In an effort to expand the online Alumni Hall of Fame, if you would like to nominate a UMD CS alumnus or alumna to be highlighted on these pages, please send an email to the chair's office ( and to Professor Ashok Agrawala ( Our department wants to recognize the achievements of as many alumni as possible.

Additionally, we would like to keep alumni up-to-date on CS events once a semester through a newsletter! If you have not been invited by email to the alumni mailing list (, you can sign up here. For giving opportunities, please click here.

Recent Class Notes

 January, 2022

Juan Navarro (B.S. ’82) named President and CEO of HDT Global


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Katherine Calvin (B.S. '03, computer science; B.S. ’03, mathematics) Named NASA Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor


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 November, 2021

Donald Welch (Ph.D. ’98) left Penn State to lead IT at New York University.


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Christopher Jeschke (B.S. ’02) appointed CTO at Accumulus Synergy, a nonprofit corporation working to develop an information and data exchange platform aimed at transforming how drug innovators and health authorities worldwide interact.


 September, 2021

Carolina Ruiz (Ph.D. ’96), professor of computer science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, was appointed associate dean of Arts & Sciences.

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Talia Ringer (B.S. ’12), incoming assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, talks about how proof engineering will affect the future of software development on the DevDiscuss podcast.

Sanjay Nagalia (M.S. ’84), COO at Ideas Revenue Solutions, speaks to the No Vacancy podcast.

Jennifer Golbeck (Ph.D. ’05), professor of information studies at UMD, joined the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for “ASK A SCIENTIST...about being a woman in computer science.”

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Christopher Croft (B.S. ’20), who is pursuing a master of science in data science in the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, is among the inaugural cohort for the Amazon Robotics Day One Fellowship.


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Anthony Casalena (B.S. ’05), Squarespace founder, talks to Forbes about the conventions he defied to build his billion-dollar startup

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