PhD Alumni

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Displaying 151 - 200 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
Spetsakis Minas 1991 The geometry and statistics of visual motion John Aloimonos
Dickinson Sven 1991 The recovery and recognition of three-dimensional objects using part-based aspect matching Azriel Rosenfeld
Mintz Doron 1991 Robustness by consensus Azriel Rosenfeld
Shulman David 1991 A theory of discontinuous regularization John Aloimonos
Canning John 1991 Recognizing deformable objects-- :! set snake methodology Azriel Rosenfeld
Farach-Colton Martín 1991 Efficient Replacement Strategies in the Memory Hierarchy Amihood Amir
Banerjee Saibal 1991 Algorithmic Aspects of MAP Estimation Azriel Rosenfeld
Sun Xiaobai 1991 A unified analysis of numerical methods for nearly uncoupled Markov chains G.W. (Pete) Stewart
Gaasterland Terry 1992 Generating Cooperative Answers in Deductive Databases
Netanyahu Nathan 1992 Computationally efficient algorithms for robust estimation David MountAzriel Rosenfeld
Kao Chiung-Tung 1992 Efficient/practical algorithms for geometric structures :#onvex hulls, Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams Hanan Samet
Lin Zheng 1992 A Distributed Fair Polling Scheme Applied to Or-Parallel Logic Batabases
Sutton Granger 1992 Competitive learning and map formation in artificial neural networks using competitive activation mechanisms James Reggia
Ng Raymond 1992 Reasoning with uncertainty in deductive databases and logic programs
Spector Lee 1992 Supervenience in Dynamic World Planning Hendler
Makarios Selene 1992 Parallel Paradigms and Practices for Spatial Data Hanan Samet
Nirkhe Vivek 1992 Satish Kumar Tripathi
Romanik Kathleen 1992 Approximate testing theory Carl Herbert Smith
Sher Chiao-Yung 1992 Parallel and hierarchical segmentation of salient image primitives Azriel Rosenfeld
Atlee Joanne 1992 Automated Analysis of Software Requirements James Purtilo
Cochrane Roberta 1992 Issues in Integrating Active Rules Into Database Systems Leo Mark
Ostertag Eduardo 1992 A Classification system for software reuse Hendler
Narayanan P.J. 1992 Larry Davis
Benson Gary 1992 Two-dimensional periodicity and matching algorithms Amihood Amir
Cho Sungzoon 1992 Learning Competition and Cooperation James Reggia
Gray James 1992 Multilevel security of probabilistic systems Victor Basili
Liang De-Ron 1992 Synchronization issues in modeling parallel computation Satish Kumar Tripathi
Bailey John 1992 A Component Factory for Software Source Code Re-Engineering and Reuse Victor Basili
Huang Chiou-Ming 1992 Preconditioning parallel multisplittings for solving systems of equations Dianne O'Leary
Guimaraes Katia 1992 The quality of queries William Gasarch
Tian Jianhui 1992 Understanding and using program complexity to improve software development Marvin Zelkowitz
Chen Ling 1992 Parallel processing of image contours Larry Davis
Gupta Naresh 1993 Recovering shape and motion from a sequence of images
Delis Alexios 1993 Client-server databases :!rchitectures and performance analysis Nicholas Roussopoulos
Johnson Brian 1993 Treemaps :6isualizing hierarchical and catagorical data Ben Shneiderman
Sharma Rajeev 1993 Visual interception John Aloimonos
Herve Jean-Yves 1993 A theory of hand/eye coordination John Aloimonos
Mosse Daniel 1993 A Framework for the Development and Deployment of Fault Tolerant Applications in Real-Time Systems Ashok Agrawala
Sanghi Dheeraj 1993
Miller Michael 1993 A view of one's past and other aspects of reasoned change in belief Don Perlis
Wilson Anne 1993 Encapsulating Neural Networks James Hendler
Mukherjee Sarit 1993 A Multiclass Preemptive Protocol for High Speed Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Satish Kumar Tripathi
Noh Sam 1993 Characterizing the Execution of Applications on Massively Parallel Systems Ashok Agrawala
Flake Gary 1993 Nonmonotonic activation functions in multilayer perceptrons James Reggia
Doermann David 1993 Document image understanding :)ntegrating recovery and interpretation Azriel Rosenfeld
Hofmeister Christine 1993 Dynamic reconfiguration of distributed applications James Purtilo
Rappoport Kevin 1993 Efficiency in parallel computation :!lgorithms, emulations, and VLSI pins Clyde Kruskal
Abdel-Mottaleb Mohamed 1993 MAP Techniques for Motion, Stereo and Segmentation Azriel Rosenfeld
Sears Andrew 1993 Layout appropiateness :'uiding user interface design with simple task descriptions Ben Shneiderman
Shim Kyuseok 1993 Advanced query optimization techniques for relational database systems Timos Sellis