PhD Alumni
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Displaying 751 - 800 of 948
Last | First | Graduation Year | Dissertation | Advisor(s) |
McFadden | Frank | 1993 | Competitive learning and competitive activation in cortical map formation | |
Moon | Soo-Mook | 1993 | Compile-time Parallelization of Non-numerical Code VLIW and Superscalar | Ashok Agrawala |
Setia | Sanjeev | 1993 | Scheduling on multiprogrammed, distributed memory parallel computers | Satish Kumar Tripathi |
Aref | Walid | 1993 | Query processing and optimization in spatial databases | Hanan Samet |
Huang | Liuqing | 1993 | Qualitative visuo-motor coordination | John Aloimonos |
Rivlin | Ehud | 1993 | Purposive recognition | John Aloimonos |
Sanghi | Dheeraj | 1993 | Flow Control in Computer Networks | Ashok Agrawala |
Gupta | Naresh | 1993 | Recovering shape and motion from a sequence of images | |
Delis | Alexios | 1993 | Client-server databases :!rchitectures and performance analysis | Nicholas Roussopoulos |
Johnson | Brian | 1993 | Treemaps :6isualizing hierarchical and catagorical data | Ben Shneiderman |
Sharma | Rajeev | 1993 | Visual interception | John Aloimonos |
Herve | Jean-Yves | 1993 | A theory of hand/eye coordination | John Aloimonos |
Mosse | Daniel | 1993 | A Framework for the Development and Deployment of Fault Tolerant Applications in Real-Time Systems | Ashok Agrawala |
Sanghi | Dheeraj | 1993 | ||
Miller | Michael | 1993 | A view of one's past and other aspects of reasoned change in belief | Don Perlis |
Wilson | Anne | 1993 | Encapsulating Neural Networks | James Hendler |
Atlee | Joanne | 1992 | Automated Analysis of Software Requirements | James Purtilo |
Cochrane | Roberta | 1992 | Issues in Integrating Active Rules Into Database Systems | Leo Mark |
Ostertag | Eduardo | 1992 | A Classification system for software reuse | Hendler |
Narayanan | P.J. | 1992 | Larry Davis | |
Benson | Gary | 1992 | Two-dimensional periodicity and matching algorithms | Amihood Amir |
Cho | Sungzoon | 1992 | Learning Competition and Cooperation | James Reggia |
Gray | James | 1992 | Multilevel security of probabilistic systems | Victor Basili |
Liang | De-Ron | 1992 | Synchronization issues in modeling parallel computation | Satish Kumar Tripathi |
Bailey | John | 1992 | A Component Factory for Software Source Code Re-Engineering and Reuse | Victor Basili |
Huang | Chiou-Ming | 1992 | Preconditioning parallel multisplittings for solving systems of equations | Dianne O'Leary |
Guimaraes | Katia | 1992 | The quality of queries | William Gasarch |
Tian | Jianhui | 1992 | Understanding and using program complexity to improve software development | Marvin Zelkowitz |
Chen | Ling | 1992 | Parallel processing of image contours | Larry Davis |
Gaasterland | Terry | 1992 | Generating Cooperative Answers in Deductive Databases | |
Netanyahu | Nathan | 1992 | Computationally efficient algorithms for robust estimation | David MountAzriel Rosenfeld |
Kao | Chiung-Tung | 1992 | Efficient/practical algorithms for geometric structures :#onvex hulls, Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams | Hanan Samet |
Lin | Zheng | 1992 | A Distributed Fair Polling Scheme Applied to Or-Parallel Logic Batabases | |
Sutton | Granger | 1992 | Competitive learning and map formation in artificial neural networks using competitive activation mechanisms | James Reggia |
Ng | Raymond | 1992 | Reasoning with uncertainty in deductive databases and logic programs | |
Spector | Lee | 1992 | Supervenience in Dynamic World Planning | Hendler |
Makarios | Selene | 1992 | Parallel Paradigms and Practices for Spatial Data | Hanan Samet |
Nirkhe | Vivek | 1992 | Satish Kumar Tripathi | |
Romanik | Kathleen | 1992 | Approximate testing theory | Carl Herbert Smith |
Sher | Chiao-Yung | 1992 | Parallel and hierarchical segmentation of salient image primitives | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Dickinson | Sven | 1991 | The recovery and recognition of three-dimensional objects using part-based aspect matching | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Mintz | Doron | 1991 | Robustness by consensus | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Shulman | David | 1991 | A theory of discontinuous regularization | John Aloimonos |
Canning | John | 1991 | Recognizing deformable objects-- :! set snake methodology | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Farach-Colton | Martín | 1991 | Efficient Replacement Strategies in the Memory Hierarchy | Amihood Amir |
Banerjee | Saibal | 1991 | Algorithmic Aspects of MAP Estimation | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Sun | Xiaobai | 1991 | A unified analysis of numerical methods for nearly uncoupled Markov chains | G.W. (Pete) Stewart |
Baral | Chitta | 1991 | Issues in Knowledge Representation: Semantics and Knowledge Combination | |
Cardenas-Garcia | Sergio | 1991 | A formal framework for evaluating multiattribute software specifications | Marvin Zelkowitz |
Yuan | Xiaoping | 1991 | A Decomposition Approach to Real-Time Scheduling on a Single Resource | Ashok Agrawala |