PhD Alumni

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Displaying 901 - 948 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
Weiss David 1981 Evaluating software development by analysis of change data Victor Basili
Agre John 1981 Approximate Solutions to Queuing Networks with State Dependent Parameters Ashok Agrawala
Gordon Karen 1981 On the Construction of Representative Test Workloads Ashok Agrawala
Morgenthaler David 1981 Three-dimensional digital image processing Azriel Rosenfeld
Gordon Karen 1981 On the construction of representative test workloads Ashok Agrawala
Rutkowski Wallace 1981 Shape segmentation and labeling Azriel Rosenfeld
Grinberg Milton 1980 A knowledge-based design environment for digital electronics Rieger
Ricart Glenn 1980 Efficient Synchronization Algorithms for Distributed Systems Ashok Agrawala
Barth C. 1980 The design of a high-level coroutine implementation for the production of quality software Victor Basili
Haar Robert 1980 Representation and Manipulation of Spatial Relations Azriel Rosenfeld
Mohr Jeffrey 1980 On the characterization of computer systems' workloads Ashok Agrawala
Lowe George 1979 Heuristic approaches to the decomposition of sparse matrices Werner C. Rheinboldt
Reiter Robert 1979 A experimental investigation of computer program development approaches and computer programming metrics Victor Basili
Underwood William 1979
Hayes Kenneth 1979 Reading handwritten Words Azriel Rosenfeld
Dyer Charles 1979 Augmented cellular automata for image analysis Azriel Rosenfeld
Ahuja Narendra 1979 Connectedness Properties of Bombing Patterns Azriel Rosenfeld
Herman Martin 1979 Understanding body postures of human stick figures Azriel Rosenfeld
Peleg Shmuel 1979 Ambiguity reduction in probabilistic networks Azriel Rosenfeld
Doszkocs Tamas 1979 AID :!n associative interactive dictionary for online bibliographic searching
Forman Ira 1979 On the decomposition of programs into primes Mills
Gishen Jeffrey 1978 A method for the formal derivation of programs and its applicability to automatic program synthesis R.E. Noonan
Wu Angela 1978 Cellular Graph Automata Azriel Rosenfeld
Shaffer Jeffrey 1978 Automatic subroutine generation in an optimizing compiler Matthew Hecht
Dunsmore Hubert 1978 The influence of programming factors on programming complexity John D. Gannon
Shapiro Bruce 1978 Shape description using boundary sequences Azriel Rosenfeld
Lemkin Peter 1978 Bone marrow smear image analysis Azriel Rosenfeld
London Philip 1978 Dependency Networks as a Representation for Modeling in General Problem Solvers Rieger
Stockman George 1977 A problem-reduction approach to the linguistic analysis of waveforms
Frederickson Greg 1977 Approximation algorithms for NP-hard routing problems Matthew Hecht
Parikh Josephine 1977 Automatic cloud classification and segmentation Azriel Rosenfeld
Vanderbrug Gordon 1977 Linear feature detection and mapping Azriel Rosenfeld
Hill Eric 1977 Computer Solution of Large Dense Linear Problems G.W. (Pete) Stewart
Ford Gary 1977 An investigation of embeddings of cellular spaces for cellular automata Edmundson
Tung Immanuel 1977 A language-acceptor type of probabilistic cellular automation Edmundson
Nagel Roger 1976 Computer detection of freehand forgeries Azriel Rosenfeld
Turner Albert 1976 Iterative enhancement:! practical technique for software development Victor Basili
Davis Larry 1976 Shape representation and matching Azriel Rosenfeld
McSkimin James 1976 Techniques for Employing Semantic Information in Question-Answering Systems
Carmichael Arthur 1976 Semantic classification of features of programming languages Victor Basili
Kulkarni Ashok 1976 Optional and heuristic synthesis of hierarchical classifiers
Lemmer John 1976 Algorithms for incompletely specified distributions in a generalized graph model for medical diagnosis
Wilson Gerald 1976 A Description and Analysis of the PAR Technique - An Approach to Parallel Inference and Parallel Search in Problem Solving Systems Hendler
Rauscher Tomlinson 1975 Dynamic Problem Oriented Redefinition of Computer Architecture via Microprogramming Ashok Agrawala
Yeh Jeffry 1975 Modelling of concurrent control structures and parallel processing Marvin Zelkowitz
Cook Craig 1974 Grammatical inference by heuristic search. Azriel Rosenfeld
Milgram David 1973 Web automata Azriel Rosenfeld
Fishman Daniel 1973 Experiments with a Resolution-Based Deductive Question-Answering System and a Proposed Clause Representation for Parallel Search