PhD Alumni
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Displaying 101 - 150 of 948
Last | First | Graduation Year | Dissertation | Advisor(s) |
Nelson | Randal | 1988 | Visual navigation | John Aloimonos |
Gal | Annie | 1988 | Cooperative Responses in Deductive Databases | |
Pearson | Glenn | 1988 | Foot-operated cursor-position controls for computer workstations :$esign, implementation, and evaluation | Ben Shneiderman |
Hung | Yubin | 1988 | Processing geometric representations on SIMD computers | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Dillencourt | Michael | 1988 | Graph-theoretical properties of algorithms involving Delaunay triangulations | Hanan Samet |
Levi | Shem-Tov | 1988 | A Methodology for Designing Distributed, Fault-Tolerant, and Reactive Real-Time Operating Systems | Ashok Agrawala |
Chi | Ping-Chung | 1988 | In Search of Better Decision Making in Computer Game Playing | Dana Nau |
Drapkin | Jennifer | 1988 | Step-logic :2easoning situated in time | Don Perlis |
Dasigi | Venugopal | 1988 | Word sense disambiguation in descriptive text interpretation :! dual-route parsimonious covering model | James Reggia |
Bhatnagar | Raj | 1989 | Construction of preferred causal hypotheses for reasoning with uncertain knowledge | |
Chu | Jiang-Hsing | 1989 | An analysis of caching with an application to binary storage trees | Gary Don Knott |
Huang | Yennun | 1989 | Resource allocation with fault tolerance | Satish Kumar Tripathi |
Yuan | Shyan-Ming | 1989 | An Efficient Communication Structure for Decentralized Algorithms with Fault Tolerance | Ashok Agrawala |
Vanecek | George | 1989 | Set Operations on Polyhedra using Decomposition Methods | Dana Nau |
Rajasekar | Arcot | 1989 | Semantics of Disjunctive Logic Programs | |
Jou | Emery | 1989 | Minimal energy splines | Gary Don Knott |
Waclawsky | John | 1989 | Window dynamics | Ashok Agrawala |
Margalit | Avraham | 1989 | Efficient image matching | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Waltzman | Rand | 1989 | Geometric problem solving by machine visualization | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Yang | Qiang | 1989 | Improving the Efficiency of Planning | Dana Nau |
Ginat | David | 1989 | Adaptive ordering of contending processes in distributed systems | Shankar Agrawala |
Ang | Chuan | 1989 | Analysis and Applications of Hierarchical Data Structures | Hanan Samet |
Chandran | Sharat | 1989 | Merging in parallel computational geometry | David Mount |
Cui | Qian | 1989 | Data-oriented exception handling | John D. Gannon |
Kambhampati | Subbarao | 1989 | Flexible reuse and modification in hierarchical planning | James Hendler |
Chou | Tsai-Chia | 1990 | Correspondenceless techniques for computer vision | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Huang | Yuangeng | 1990 | Dynamic scheduling problem solving | |
Lin | Chih-Chen | 1990 | Coupling production systems and database systems :! homogeneous approach | Timos Sellis |
Fujimura | Kikuo | 1990 | Motion planning in dynamic domains | Hanan Samet |
Sullins | John | 1990 | Distributed learning: Motion in constraint space | John Aloimonos |
Huang | Shie-Rei | 1990 | Design and analysis of some high-performance heuristic search algorithms | Larry Davis |
Hellstrom | Benjamin | 1990 | Thermodynamic neural networks for the approximation of combinatorially hard packing problems | |
Eastman | Roger | 1990 | Using disparity functionals for stereo correspondence and reconstruction | Larry Davis |
Joo | Bokgyu | 1990 | Adaptation and composition of program components | Victor Basili |
Karinthi | Raghu | 1990 | An Algebraic Approach to Feature Interactions | Dana Nau |
Basu | Anup | 1990 | Model-based visual navigation | John Aloimonos |
Gordon | Diana | 1990 | Active bias adjustment for incremental, supervised concept learning | Don Perlis |
Murphy | Sandra | 1990 | Service specification and protocol construction for a layered architecture | A. Udaya Shankar |
Mitchell | Elizabeth | 1990 | A competitive activation mechanism for semantic inference | James Reggia |
Bennet | Thomas | 1990 | Using control states for parallelism extraction | John D. Gannon |
Lobo | Jose | 1990 | Semantics for Normal Disjunctive Logic Programs | |
Ryu | Kwan | 1990 | Efficient parallel algorithms on the network model | |
Duggan | Dominic | 1990 | A programming language and environment based on types as specifications | William Pugh |
Giuliano | Mark | 1990 | The Control and Execution of Parallel Logic Programs | |
Pleszkoch | Mark | 1990 | Machine learning with queries and oracles | William Gasarch |
Shulman | David | 1991 | A theory of discontinuous regularization | John Aloimonos |
Canning | John | 1991 | Recognizing deformable objects-- :! set snake methodology | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Farach-Colton | Martín | 1991 | Efficient Replacement Strategies in the Memory Hierarchy | Amihood Amir |
Banerjee | Saibal | 1991 | Algorithmic Aspects of MAP Estimation | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Sun | Xiaobai | 1991 | A unified analysis of numerical methods for nearly uncoupled Markov chains | G.W. (Pete) Stewart |