PhD Alumni

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Displaying 101 - 150 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
Brubach Brian 2020 Markets, Elections, and Microbes: Data-driven Algorithms from Theory to Practice  Aravind Srinivasan, Mihai Pop
Brubach Brian 2020 Markets, Elections, and Microbes: Data-driven Algorithms from Theory to Practice  Aravind Srinivasan, Mihai Pop
Brule Joshua 2019 Causal Programming  James Reggia
Buck Bryan 2004 Data Centric Cache Measurement Using Hardware and Software Instrumentation  Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Bultan Tevfik 1998 Automated Static Analysis with Composite Symbolic Models Richard Gerber
Buntain Cody 2016 Discovering Credible Events in Near Real Time from Social Media Streams  Jennifer Golbeck
Byun Do-Jun 2007 Congestion Control in Satellite Networks  John S. Baras
Callahan John 1993 Software packaging James Purtilo
Candan Kasim 1997 A framework for distributed multimedia collaborations
Canning John 1991 Recognizing deformable objects-- :! set snake methodology Azriel Rosenfeld
Caragea George 2011 Optimizing for a Many-Core Architecture without Compromising Ease-of-Programming  Uzi Vishkin
Cardenas-Garcia Sergio 1991 A formal framework for evaluating multiattribute software specifications Marvin Zelkowitz
Carmichael Arthur 1976 Semantic classification of features of programming languages Victor Basili
Carr James Ryan 2013 Generation and Analysis of Strategies in an Evolutionary Social Learning Game  Dana Nau
Carr David 1995 A compact graphical representation of user interface interaction objects Ben Shneiderman
Carver Jeffrey 2003 The Impact of Background and Experience on Software Inspections Victor Basili
Castillo Carlos 2012 Dense Wide-Baseline Stereo Matching and its Application to Face Recognition  David Jacobs
Celik Cengiz 2006 New Approaches to Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces  David Mount
Cepeda Espinoza Victoria 2020 Mihai Pop
Cetintemel Ugur 2001 Decentralized Data Consistency Protocols for Mobile and Wide-Area Environments Pete Keleher
Chabuk Timur 2013 Causally-Guided Evolutionary Computation for Design  James Reggia
Chakrabarti Shouvanik 2022 Quantum Computing for Optimization and Machine Learning  Xiaodi Wu
Chakravarthy Upendrana 1985 Semantic Query Optimization in Deductive Databases
Chalidabhongse Thanarat 2001 A real-time system for detecting and tracking people in video
Chandran Sharat 1989 Merging in parallel computational geometry David Mount
Chang Chialin 2001 Parallel aggregation on multi-dimensional scientific datasets Joel Saltz
Chang Ya-Hui 1995 Interoperable query processing for relational and object-oriented databases :! mapping approach using canonical representations Bonnie Dorr
Chaturvedi Snigdha 2016 Structured Approaches to Exploring Inter-Personal Relationships in Natural Language Test  Hal Daumé III
Chavan Amit 2018 Delta-based Storage and Querying for Versioned Datasets  Amol Deshpande
Chechik Maria 1996 Automatic analysis of consistency between requirements and designs John D. Gannon
Chelaru Florin 2015 Epiviz: Integrated Visual Analysis Software for Genomics  Hector Corrado-Bravo
Chen Hao 2023 An efficient neural representation for videos  Abhinav Shrivastava
Chen Yinong 1997 A motor control model based on self-organizing feature maps James Reggia
Chen Chungmin 1994 Adaptive database systems based on query feedback and cached results Nicholas Roussopoulos
Chen Ling 1992 Parallel processing of image contours Larry Davis
Chen Bo-Shoe 1982 Event-based specification and verification of distributed systems Raymond T. Yeh
Chen Chia-Mei 1995 Scheduling issues in real-time systems Satish Kumar Tripathi
Chen Chen 1995 Configuration-level programming of distributed applications using implicit invocation James Purtilo
Chen Xi 2015 Context Driven Scene Understanding  Larry Davis
Chen Nicholas 2012 The Use of Multiple Slate Devices to Support Active Reading Activities  François Guimbretière
Chen Jun-Cheng 2016 Robust Representations for Unconstrained Face Verification and Its Applications 
Chen Daozheng 2013 Resource Allocation in Computer Vision  David Jacobs
Cheng Hsueh-Chien 2017 Multimodal Biomedical Data Visualization: Enhancing Network, Clinical, and Image Data Depiction  Amitabh Varshney
Cheng Kan Leung 2014 Agent Modeling in Repeated Stochastic Games  Dana Nau
Cheng Sheng-Tzong 1995 Scheduling and allocation in multiprocessor systems Ashok Agrawala
Cheong Loong-Fah 1996 Distortion of space due to perceived motion John Aloimonos
Chi Ping-Chung 1988 In Search of Better Decision Making in Computer Game Playing Dana Nau
Chipman Leslie 2007 Collaborative Technology for Young Children's Outdoor Education  Allison Druin