PhD Alumni

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Displaying 751 - 800 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
DuBois Thomas 2011 Using and Manipulating Probabilistic Connectivity in Social Networks  Aravind Srinivasan
Du Fan 2018 Explainable Recommendation for Event Sequences: A Visual Analytics Approach  Ben Shneiderman
Drapkin Jennifer 1988 Step-logic :2easoning situated in time Don Perlis
Doszkocs Tamas 1979 AID :!n associative interactive dictionary for online bibliographic searching
Dooley Samuel William Atwell 2023
Dondera Radu 2013 Improving Efficiency and Scalability in Visual Surveillance Applications  Larry Davis
Domke Justin 2009 Tractable Learning and Inference in High Treewidth Graphical Models  John Aloimonos
Doermann David 1993 Document image understanding :)ntegrating recovery and interpretation Azriel Rosenfeld
Dinalankara Wikum 2015 Anti-Profiles for Anomaly Classification and Regression 
Dillencourt Michael 1988 Graph-theoretical properties of algorithms involving Delaunay triangulations Hanan Samet
Dickinson Sven 1991 The recovery and recognition of three-dimensional objects using part-based aspect matching Azriel Rosenfeld
Deng Yu 2006 Using Ontologies to Improve Answer Quality in Databases
Demner-Fushman Dina 2006 Complex Question Answering Based on Semantic Domain Model of Clinical Medicine  Doug Oard
Delis Alexios 1993 Client-server databases :!rchitectures and performance analysis Nicholas Roussopoulos
Deligiannakis Antonios 2005 Accurate Data Approximation in Constrained Environments  Nicholas Roussopoulos
Delatorre Pilar 1987 Analysis of tries Gary Knott
Dekhtyar Alexander 2000 Reasoning with Uncertainty and Time
Dehghani Sina 2017 Online Network Design under Uncertainty  Mohammad Hajiaghayi
De Soham 2018 Fast optimization methods for machine learning, and game-theoretic models of cultural evolution  Tom Goldstein
Davis Larry 1976 Shape representation and matching Azriel Rosenfeld
Davis Cynthia 1998 Supporting Intermittent Connectivity in Mobile Networks Satish Kumar Tripathi
David Philip 2006 Deterministic Annealing for Correspondence, Pose and Recognition  Larry Davis
Dasler Philip 2020 Efficient Algorithms for Coordinated Motion in Shared Spaces  David Mount
Dasigi Venugopal 1988 Word sense disambiguation in descriptive text interpretation :! dual-route parsimonious covering model James Reggia
Darais David 2017 Mechanizing Abstract Interpretation  David Van Horn
Curry Michael Jeremiah 2022 Learning and Robustness With Applications To Mechanism Design  Tom Goldstein
Curry Michael Jeremiah 2022 Learning and Robustness With Applications To Mechanism Design  Tom Goldstein
Cui Qian 1989 Data-oriented exception handling John D. Gannon
Cucka Peter 1996 Pattern classification methods in navigation and object recognition Azriel Rosenfeld
Cranston Charles 2007 Spatial Indexing for Efficient Retrieval-by-Content of Arrangements of Point Objects Hanan Samet
Coolahan James 1984 The specification of timing requirements for real-time systems using timed Petri nets Nicholas Roussopoulos
Cook Craig 1974 Grammatical inference by heuristic search. Azriel Rosenfeld
Cochrane Roberta 1992 Issues in Integrating Active Rules Into Database Systems Leo Mark
Claudino Leonardo 2017 Action Compositionality with Focus on Neurodevelopmental Disorders  John Aloimonos
Clancy III Thomas 2006 Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks  William Arbaugh
Ciocoiu Mihai 2002 Ontology-Based Translation Dana Nau
Chung I-Hsin 2004 Towards Automatic Performance Tuning  Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Chu Jiang-Hsing 1989 An analysis of caching with an application to binary storage trees Gary Don Knott
Chou Tsai-Chia 1990 Correspondenceless techniques for computer vision Azriel Rosenfeld
Chou Cheng-Fu 2002 Scalable Designs for Continuous Media Servers and Wide-area Upload Applications Leana Golubchik
Chou Hui-Hsien 1996 Self-replicating structures in a cellular automata space James Reggia
Chong Wai-Yian 2006 Reflection Reasoning  Don Perlis
Choi Seungryul 2006 Hill-Climbing SMT Processor Resource Distribution  Donald YeungDonald Yeung
Choi Seonho 1997 Dynamic time-based scheduling for hard real-time systems Ashok Agrawala
Cho Sungzoon 1992 Learning Competition and Cooperation James Reggia
Cho Minkyoung 2010 Approximation Algorithms for Point Pattern Matching and Searching  David Mount
Chitnis Rajesh 2014 Directed Graphs: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Beyond Mohammad Hajiaghayi
Chipman Leslie 2007 Collaborative Technology for Young Children's Outdoor Education  Allison Druin
Chi Ping-Chung 1988 In Search of Better Decision Making in Computer Game Playing Dana Nau