PhD Alumni

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Displaying 851 - 900 of 948
Last First Graduation Year Dissertation Advisor(s)
Tzannes Alexandre 2012 Enhancing Productivity and Performance Portability of General-Purpose Parallel Programming 
Udrea Octavian 2008 Scalable Ontology Systems  V.S. Subrahmanian
Underwood William 1979
Upton Richard 1984 A treatment analysis of computer communication networks Satish Kumar Tripathi
Urhan Tolga 2002 Reactive Query Processing for Coping with Delays on Wide-Area Environments Michael J. Franklin
Uysal Mustafa 1999 Disk Placement in Multicomputer I/O Subsystems Joel Saltz
Vanderbrug Gordon 1977 Linear feature detection and mapping Azriel Rosenfeld
Vanecek George 1989 Set Operations on Polyhedra using Decomposition Methods Dana Nau
Vasan Arunchandar 2008 Timestepped Stochastic Simulation of 802.11 WLANS  A. Udaya Shankar
Velauthapillai Mahendran 1986 On the inductive inference of programs with anomalies Carl Herbert Smith
Vitaladevuni Shiv Naga Prasad 2007 Human Movement Analysis: Ballistic Dynamics, and Edge Continuity for Pose Estimation  Larry Davis
Voss Clare 2002 Interlingua-based machine translation of spatial expressions Bonnie Dorr
Votipka Daniel 2020 A Human-Centric Approach to Software Vulnerability Discovery  Michelle Mazurek
Vyas Yogarshi 2019 Identifying Semantic Divergences Across Languages  Marine Carpuat
Waclawsky John 1989 Window dynamics Ashok Agrawala
Wagner Justin 2018 Software Infrastructure For Visual And Integrative Analysis Of Of Microbiome Data
Waltzman Rand 1989 Geometric problem solving by machine visualization Azriel Rosenfeld
Wan Yung 2005 Algorithms for Data Dissemination and Collection Samir Khuller
Wang Nan 2005 Modeling and Analysis of Massive Social Networks  Aravind Srinivasan
Wang Kuang-yeh 1999 Improving Performance of Wireless Networks in the Internet Satish Kumar Tripathi
Wang Taowei 2010 Interactive Visualization Techniques for Searching Temporal Categorical Data  Ben Shneiderman
Wang Lidan 2012 Learning to Efficiently Rank 
Wang Yulu 2018 Selective Search Architectures and Brute Force Scan Techniques for Summarizing Social Media Posts  Jimmy Lin
Wang Yulu 2017 Selective Search Architectures and Brute Force Scan Techniques for Summarizing Social Media Posts 
Wei Hong 2020 Local News And Event Detection In Twitter  Hanan Samet
Weiss David 1981 Evaluating software development by analysis of change data Victor Basili
Weiss Kenneth 2011 Diamond-Based Models for Scientific Visualization  Leila De Floriani
Welch Donald 1998 Building self-reconfiguring distributed virtual environments James Purtilo
Wexler Yonatan 2001 Tensor methods for vision and graphics with applications to dynamic morphing
White Elizabeth 1995 Control integration in heterogeneous distributed software applications James Purtilo
Williams Chadd 2006 Using Historical Data from Source Code Revision Histories to Detect Source Code Properties  Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Williams Gleneesha 2014 Shrink-Wrapped Security: Tightly Coupling Situation and Security  Ashok Agrawala
Wilson Anne 1993 Encapsulating Neural Networks James Hendler
Wilson Gerald 1976 A Description and Analysis of the PAR Technique - An Approach to Parallel Inference and Parallel Search in Problem Solving Systems Hendler
Wilson Shomir 2011 A Computational Theory of the Use-Mention Distinction in Natural Language  Don Perlis
Winder Ransom 2007 The Influence of Collective Working Memory Strategies on Agent Teams  James Reggia
Wohn Kwangyoen 1984 A contour-based approach to image flow Larry Davis
Wongsuphasawat Krist 2012 Interactive Exploration of Temporal Event Sequences  Ben Shneiderman
Wonnacott David 1995 Constraint-based array dependence analysis William Pugh
Woo Nam 1983 A Pragmatic Parallel Computation Model and its Computer Architecture Ashok Agrawala
Wood Derrick 2014 Comparative and Computational Methods for Microbial Genomics  Mihai Pop
Wood Richard 1982 Computer aided program synthesis Rieger
Wu Angela 1978 Cellular Graph Automata Azriel Rosenfeld
Wu Xue 2008 Improving the Performance and Precision of Bioinformatics Algorithms  Chau-Wen Tseng
Wu Yao 2009 Computing Customized Ranking  Louiqa Raschid
Wu Shang-Chieh 2008 Flexible and Efficient Control of Data Transfers for Loosely Coupled Components  Alan Sussman
Wu Shanchan 2012 Prediction in Social Media for Monitoring and Recommendation  Louiqa Raschid
Xie Qing 2006 Developing Cost-Effective Model-Based Techniques for GUI Testing 
Xirogiannopoulos Konstantinos 2020 Enabling Graph Analysis Over Relational Databases  Amol Deshpande