PhD Alumni
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Displaying 251 - 300 of 948
Last | First | Graduation Year | Dissertation | Advisor(s) |
Fischer | Jeffrey | 1996 | Compositional verification by model checking for counter-examples | Richard Gerber |
Gavrila | Dariu | 1996 | Vision-based 3-D tracking of humans in action | Larry Davis |
Liu | Hong | 1996 | Automatic validation of multi-process communication protocols | |
Kelly | Wayne | 1996 | Optimization within a Unified Transformation Framework | William Pugh |
Cheong | Loong-Fah | 1996 | Distortion of space due to perceived motion | John Aloimonos |
Ruiz | Carolina | 1996 | Semantics of Knowledge Based Systems with Multiple Forms of Negation | Jack Minker |
Seaman | Carolyn | 1996 | Organizational issues in software development :!n empirical study of communication | Victor Basili |
Siy | Harvey | 1996 | Identifying the mechanisms driving code inspection costs and benefits | Adam Porter |
Cucka | Peter | 1996 | Pattern classification methods in navigation and object recognition | Azriel Rosenfeld |
Adali | Sibel | 1996 | Query Processing in Hetergenous Mediated Systems | |
Kim | Taehyeong | 1996 | Toward optimizing distributed programs directed by configurations | James Purtilo |
Lott | Christopher | 1996 | Measurement-based feedback in a process-centered software engineering environment | Victor Basili |
Moon | Bongki | 1996 | Data placement for high performance spatio-temporal databases | Joel Saltz |
Chechik | Maria | 1996 | Automatic analysis of consistency between requirements and designs | John D. Gannon |
Agrawal | Gagan | 1996 | Interprocedural code placement techniques and their applications | Joel Saltz |
Lin | Chih-Lung | 1996 | Context based approaches for aerial image exploitation | |
Mendonca | Manoel | 1997 | An approach to improving existing measurement frameworks in software development organizations | Victor Basili |
Morimoto | Carlos | 1997 | Electronic digital image stabilization :$esign and evaluation, with applications | |
Baratoff | Gregory | 1997 | Distortion of Stereoscopic Visual Space | John Aloimonos |
Smith | Stephen | 1997 | Task-Network Planning using Total-Order Forward Search, and Applications to Bridge and to Microwave-Module Manufacture | Dana Nau |
Choi | Seonho | 1997 | Dynamic time-based scheduling for hard real-time systems | Ashok Agrawala |
Thomas | William | 1997 | Evolutionary approaches for software engineering empirical modeling | Victor Basili |
Gryz | Jaroslaw | 1997 | Syntactic and Semantic Optimization of Database Queries | |
Candan | Kasim | 1997 | A framework for distributed multimedia collaborations | |
Chen | Yinong | 1997 | A motor control model based on self-organizing feature maps | James Reggia |
Sahinalp | S. Cenk | 1997 | Locally consistent parsing for string processing | Uzi Vishkin |
Song | Junehwa | 1997 | Structured multimedia documents :$esign and presentation in a distributed environment | |
Welch | Donald | 1998 | Building self-reconfiguring distributed virtual environments | James Purtilo |
Lee | Sung | 1998 | A Study of Cyclone Technology | Ashok Agrawala |
Pu | Fan-tao | 1998 | Data Structures for Global Illumination Computation and Visibility Queries in 3-Space | David Mount |
Rosser | Evan | 1998 | Fine-Grained Analysis for Generating Better Communication and Synchronization | William Pugh |
Gharai | Ladan | 1998 | Multi-Platform Performance Models for Digital Video Systems | Richard Gerber |
Kohout | Robert | 1998 | Guaranteeing safety in the presence of moving obstacles | Hendler |
Stathatos | Konstantinos | 1998 | Adaptive Techniques for Hybrid Delivery | Nicholas Roussopoulos |
Hwang | Eenjun | 1998 | A Framework For Distributed Video-on-Demand Services | |
Matos | Gilberto | 1998 | Analysis and applications of receptive safety properties in concurrent systems | James Purtilo |
Bultan | Tevfik | 1998 | Automated Static Analysis with Composite Symbolic Models | Richard Gerber |
Hwang | Yuan-Shin | 1998 | Compiling Data-Parallel Programs with Dynamic Pointer-Linked Data Structures on Distributed Memory Systems | Joel Saltz |
Glenn | James | 1998 | Implementing WSIS via Finite Automata | William Gasarch |
Korn | Philip | 1998 | Indexing and Mining Medical Image and Multimedia Databases | Christos Faloutsos |
Park | Jun-cheol | 1998 | Automatic Synthesis of Time Dependent Communication Protocols | |
Shull | Forrest | 1998 | Developing Techniques for Using Software Documents: A Series of Empirical Studies | Victor Basili |
Bhatia | Randeep | 1998 | Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Problems | Samir Khuller |
Davis | Cynthia | 1998 | Supporting Intermittent Connectivity in Mobile Networks | Satish Kumar Tripathi |
Kandogan | Eser | 1998 | Extending Spatial Organization, Manipulation and Access of Information in Windowing Systems | Ben Shneiderman |
Uysal | Mustafa | 1999 | Disk Placement in Multicomputer I/O Subsystems | Joel Saltz |
Golub | Evan | 1999 | Empirical Studies in Parallel Sorting | William Gasarch |
Sussmann | Yoram | 1999 | Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location Problems | Samir Khuller |
Jonsson | Bjorn | 1999 | Application-oriented buffering and caching techniques | Michael J. Franklin |
Shpeisman | Tatiana | 1999 | William Pugh |