For more details about my research, and more informal descriptions of my papers, click here
For copies of papers not available here, please send me email
"CSCML 2022: 6th International Symposium on Cybersecurity, Cryptography, and Machine Learning" (edited volume), with Shlomi Dolev and Amnon Meisels
LNCS, Springer, 2022
"Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) 2007" (edited volume), with M. Yung
LNCS vol. 4521, Springer, 2007
Book chapters
"Privacy-Preserving Distributed Computation"
In Handbook of Sharing Confidential Data: Differential Privacy, Secure Multiparty Computation, and Synthetic Data,
J. Drechsler, D. Kifer, J. Reiter, and A. Slavkovic, eds., Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2024.
In Computing Handbook (3rd edition), vol. 1: Computer Science and Software Engineering, A. Tucker, T. Gonzalez, and J. Diaz-Herrera, eds., Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2014.
"Public-Key Cryptography"
In Handbook of Information and Communication Security, P. Stavroulakis and M. Stamp, eds., Springer, 2010.
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, B.W. Wah, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008.
"Symmetric-Key Encryption"
In Handbook of Information Security, H. Bidgoli, ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
In Computer Science Handbook, 2nd edition, A. Tucker, ed., CRC Press, 2004.
Journal articles
"Manticore: A Framework for Efficient Multiparty Computation Supporting Real Number and Boolean Arithmetic," with M.G. Belorgey et al.
J. Cryptology 36(3): 31 (2023).
"FORGE: A Fake Online Repository Generation Engine for Cyber Deception," with Tanmoy Chakraborty, Sushil Jajodia, Antonio Picariello, Giancarlo Sperli, and V.S. Subrahmanian
IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing 18(2): 518-533, 2021.
"Verifiable Graph Processing," with Yupeng Zhang and Babis Papamanthou
ACM Trans. on Privacy and Security 21(4), article 20, 2018.
"Anon-Pass: Practical Anonymous Subscriptions," with Michael Lee, Alan Dunn, Brent Waters, and Emmett Witchel
IEEE Security & Privacy 12(3): 20-27, 2014. (Part of a special issue for selected papers from the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy.)
The full version is available.
See here for a link to source code.
"Authenticated Broadcast with a Partially Compromised Public-Key Infrastructure," with S. Dov Gordon, Ranjit Kumaresan, and Arkady Yerukhimovich
Information & Computation 234: 17-25, 2014.
(Invited to a special issue for selected papers from SSS 2010.)
The full version is available.
"One-Round Multi-Party Communication Complexity of Distinguishing Sums," with Daniel Apon and Alex Malozemoff
Theoretical Computer Science 501: 101-108, 2013.
The full version is available: ECCC, arXiv
"Round-Optimal Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange," with Vinod Vaikuntanathan
J. Cryptology 26(4): 714-743, 2013.
(One of 3 papers from TCC 2011 invited to the Journal of Cryptology.)
The full version is available.
"Predicate Encryption Supporting Disjunctions, Polynomial Equations, and Inner Products," with Amit Sahai and Brent Waters
Journal of Cryptology 26(2): 191-224, 2013. (One of 4 papers from Eurocrypt 2008 invited to the Journal of Cryptology.)
The full version is available. Note: this version differs slightly from what was published.
"Robust Fuzzy Extractors and Authenticated Key Agreement from Close Secrets," with Yevgeniy Dodis, Bhavana Kanukurthi, Leo Reyzin, and Adam Smith
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58(9): 6207-6222, 2012.
The full version is available. Note: this version differs slightly from what was published.
"Two-Server Password-Only Authenticated Key Exchange," with Phil MacKenzie, Gelareh Taban, and Virgil Gligor
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78(2): 651--669, 2012.
The full version is available.
"Which Languages Have 4-Round Zero-Knowledge Proofs?"
Journal of Cryptology 25(1): 41-56, 2012.
(One of 3 papers from TCC 2008 invited to the Journal of Cryptology.)
The full version is available. Note: this version differs slightly from what was published.
"Partial Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation,"
with Dov Gordon
Journal of Cryptology 25(1): 14-40, 2012.
The full version is available. Note: this version differs slightly from what was published.
"Complete Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation," with S. Dov Gordon, Carmit Hazay, and Yehuda Lindell
Journal of the ACM 58(6): 1-36, 2011.
The extended full version is available.
"On Achieving the 'Best of Both Worlds' in Secure Multiparty Computation,"
with Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Yehuda Lindell, and Erez Petrank
SIAM J. Computing 40(1): 122-141, 2011.
The full version is available.
"Parallel and Concurrent Security of the HB and HB+ Protocols," with Ji-Sun Shin and Adam Smith
Journal of Cryptology 23(3): 402-421, 2010.
The full version is available.
"Bounds on the Efficiency of 'Black-Box' Commitment Schemes," with Omer Horvitz
Theoretical Computer Science 411(10): 1251-1260, 2010.
The full version is available.
"Efficient and Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Using Weak Passwords," with Rafail Ostrovsky and Moti Yung
Journal of the ACM 57(1): 78-116, 2009.
The full version is available. Note: this version differs slightly from what was published.
"Improving the Round Complexity of VSS in Point-to-Point Networks," with Chiu-Yuen Koo and Ranjit Kumaresan
Information & Computation 207(8): 889-899, 2009.
The full version is available.
"Reducing Complexity Assumptions for Statistically-Hiding Commitment," with Iftach Haitner, Omer Horvitz, Chiu-Yuen Koo, Ruggero Morselli, and Ronen Shaltiel
Journal of Cryptology 22(3): 283-310, 2009.
The full version is available. Note: this version differs slightly from what was published (most notably in Section 4).
"Ring Signatures: Stronger Definitions, and Constructions without Random Oracles," with Adam Bender and Ruggero Morselli
Journal of Cryptology 22(1): 114-138, 2009.
The full version is available.
"On Expected Constant-Round Protocols for Byzantine Agreement," with Chiu-Yuen Koo
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 75(2): 91-112, 2009.
The full version is available.
"Handling Expected Polynomial-Time Strategies in Simulation-Based Security Proofs," with Yehuda Lindell
Journal of Cryptology 21(3): 303-349, 2008.
The full version is available.
"Efficient Signature Schemes with Tight Security Reductions to the Diffie-Hellman Problems," with Eu-Jin Goh, Stanislaw Jarecki, and Nan Wang
Journal of Cryptology 20(4): 493-514, 2007.
The full version is available.
"A Forward-Secure Public-Key Encryption Scheme," with Ran Canetti and Shai Halevi
Journal of Cryptology 20(3): 265-294, 2007.
The full version is available.
An open-source implementation (done independently of the authors)
is also available
"Scalable Protocols for Authenticated Group Key Exchange," with Moti Yung
Journal of Cryptology 20(1): 85-113, 2007.
The full version is available.
"Chosen-Ciphertext Security From Identity-Based Encryption," with Dan Boneh, Ran Canetti, and Shai Halevi
SIAM Journal on Computing 36(5): 1301-1328, 2007.
The full version is available.
"Characterization of Security Notions for Probabilistic Private-Key Encryption," with Moti Yung
Journal of Cryptology 19(1): 67-96, 2006.
The full version is available.
"A Pairwise Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks," with Wenliang Du, Jing Deng, Yunghsiang S. Han, Pramod K. Varshney, and Aram Khalili
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 8(2): 228-258, 2005.
The full version is available.
"Bounds on the Efficiency of Generic Cryptographic Constructions," with Rosario Gennaro, Yael Gertner, and Luca Trevisan
SIAM Journal on Computing 35(1): 217-246, 2005.
The full version is available.
"A Watermark for Large Language Models," with John Kirchenbauer, Jonas Geiping, Yuxin Wen, Ian Miers, and Tom Goldstein
Recipient of outstanding paper award ICML 2023 (accepted for short live presentation)
"Private Anomaly Detection in Linear Controllers: Garbled Circuits vs. Homomorphic Encryption," with Andreea Alexandru, Luis Burbano, Alvaro Cardenas, Mestan Celiktug, Juanita Gomez, and Murat Kantarcioglu
61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2022
"A Provably Secure, Lightweight Protocol for Anonymous Authentication"
13th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN) 2022
"Constant-Overhead Zero-Knowledge for RAM Programs," with
Nicholas Franzese, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Xiao Wang, and Chenkai Weng
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2021
"EasyPQC: Verifying Post-Quantum Cryptography," with
Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, Xiong Fan, Benjamin Gregoire, Shih-Han Hung,
Pierre-Yves Strub, Xiaodi Wu, and Li Zhou
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2021
"RPPLNS: Pay-per-last-N-shares with a Randomised Twist," with Philip Lazos, Francisco Javier Marmolejo-Cossio, and Xinyu Zhou
20th Intl. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2021 (extended abstract)
Also accepted for presentation at the Workshop on Game Theory in Blockchain 2020
"Efficient 3-Party Distributed ORAM," with Paul Bunn, Eyal Kushilevitz, and Rafail Ostrovsky
12th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN) 2020
"Adversarial Classification Under Differential Privacy," with Jairo Giraldo, Alvaro Cardenas, and Murat Kantarcioglu
Network and Distributed System Security Conference (NDSS) 2020
"Competing (Semi-)Selfish Miners in Bitcoin," with Francisco J. Marmolejo-Cossio, Eric Brigham, and Benjamin Sela
ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies 2019
"Provable Security of (Tweakable) Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks," with Benoît Cogliati,
Yevgeniy Dodis, Jooyoung Lee, John Steinberger, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam, and Zhe Zhang
Crypto 2018 This publication is the result of a merge with this paper
"vRAM: Faster Verifiable RAM With Program-Independent Preprocessing,"
with Yupeng Zhang, Daniel Genkin, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, and Babis Papamanthou
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland) 2018
"Subset Predicate Encryption and Its Applications," with Matteo Maffei, Giulio Malavolta, and Dominique Schröder
Cryptology and Network Security (CANS) 2017
"Self-Protective Behaviors over Public WiFi Networks," with David Maimon, Michael Becker, and Sushant Patil
Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER) 2017
"Efficient, Reusable Fuzzy Extractors from LWE," with Daniel Apon, Chongwon Cho, and Karim El Defrawy
International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptography, and Machine Learning 2017 Available here. Note: This version differs substantially from what was published in the proceedings.
"Fixing Cracks in the Concrete: Random Oracles with Auxiliary Input, Revisited," with Yevgeniy Dodis and Siyao Guo
Eurocrypt 2017 The full version is available.
"Incentivizing Blockchain Forks via Whale Transactions," with Kevin Liao
4th Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain Research (BITCOIN 2017) The preproceedings version is available.
"An Expressive (Zero-Knowledge) Set Accumulator," with Yupeng Zhang and Babis Papamanthou
IEEE EuroS&P 2017
"IntegriDB: Verifiable SQL for Outsourced Databases," with Yupeng Zhang and Babis Papamanthou
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2015 Paper and code available here
"Automated Analysis and Synthesis of Block-Cipher Modes of Operation," with Alexis J. Malozemoff and Matthew D. Green
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium 2014 The proceedings version, full version, and code are available.
"Distributing the Setup in Universally Composable Multiparty Computation," with Aggelos Kiayias, Hong-Sheng Zhou, and Vassilis Zikas
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2014
"Automating Efficient RAM-Model Secure Computation," with Chang Liu, Yan Huang, Elaine Shi, and Mike Hicks
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland) 2014 The proceedings version is available
"Multi-Input Functional Encryption," with Shafi Goldwasser,
S. Dov Gordon, Vipul Goyal, Abhishek Jain, Feng-Hao Liu, Amit Sahai,
Elaine Shi, and Hong-Sheng Zhou
Eurocrypt 2014 This publication is the result of a merge with this paper
"Verifiable Oblivious Storage," with Daniel Apon, Elaine Shi, and Aishwarya Thiruvengadam
Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) 2014
"Coupled-Worlds Privacy: Exploiting Adversarial Uncertainty in Statistical Data Privacy," with Raef Bassily, Adam Groce, and Adam Smith
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2013
"Anon-Pass: Practical Anonymous Subscriptions," with Michael Lee, Alan Dunn, Brent Waters, and Emmett Witchel
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland) 2013 The proceedings version is available.
See here for a link to source code
Invited to special issue of IEEE Security & Privacy magazine
"Feasibility and Completeness of Cryptographic Tasks in the Quantum World," with Serge Fehr, Fang Song, Hong-Sheng Zhou, and Vassilis Zikas
10th Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC) 2013 (An extended abstract of this work
was also presented at the 6th International Conference on Information-Theoretic Security (ICITS), 2012 workshop track)
"Byzantine Agreement with a Rational Adversary," with Adam Groce, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam, and Vassilis Zikas
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2012
"Knowledge-Oriented Secure Multiparty Computation," with Piotr Mardziel, Michael Hicks, and Mudhakar Srivatsa
ACM Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS) 2012 The proceedings version is available.
"Quid Pro Quo-tocols: Strengthening Semi-Honest Protocols with Dual Execution," with Yan Huang and David Evans
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland) 2012 The proceedings version is available. (Note: this may not match the actual published version.)
"Constant-Round Multi-Party Private Set Union using Reversed Laurent Series," with Jae Hong Seo and Jung Hee Cheon
Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) 2012
"Private Set Intersection: Are Garbled Circuits Better than Custom Protocols?" with Yan Huang and David Evans
Network and Distributed System Security Conference (NDSS) 2012.
The proceedings version is available.
The code is available here.
"Efficient Secure Computation with Garbled Circuits,"
with Yan Huang, Chih-hao Shen, David Evans, and Abhi Shelat
Invited paper, International Conference on Information Systems Security 2011
"Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits," with Yan Huang, David Evans, and Lior Malka
USENIX Security Symposium 2011.
The proceedings version is available. (Note: this may not fully match the actual published version.)
The code is available here.
"Adaptively Secure Broadcast, Revisited," with Juan Garay, Ranjit Kumaresan, and Hong-Sheng Zhou
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2011.
The proceedings version is available.
"Efficient Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification," with Yan Huang, Lior Malka, and David Evans
Network and Distributed System Security Conference (NDSS) 2011.
"Secure Text Processing with Applications to Private DNA Matching," with Lior Malka
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2010 The proceedings version is available.
"Signature Schemes with Bounded Leakage Resilience," with Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Asiacrypt 2009 An early version is available; the proceedings version contains some additional results
"Collusion-Free Multiparty Computation in the Mediated Model," with Joel Alwen, Yehuda Lindell, Giuseppe Persiano, Abhi Shelat, and Ivan Visconti
Crypto 2009 An early version is available (note: this is different from the proceedings version).
"Efficient Cryptographic Protocols Based on the Hardness of Learning Parity with Noise"
Invited paper, 11th IMA International
Conference on Cryptography and Coding Theory, 2007
"Round Complexity of Authenticated Broadcast with a Dishonest Majority," with Juan Garay, Chiu-Yuen Koo, and Rafail Ostrovsky
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2007 The proceedings version is available.
"Exploiting Approximate Transitivity of Trust," with Ruggero Morselli, Bobby Bhattacharjee, and Michael Marsh
Invited paper, BroadNets 2007
"Rational Secret Sharing, Revisited," with S. Dov Gordon
Security and Cryptography for Networks 2006 (An extended abstract of this work was also accepted for presentation at NetEcon 2006)
"Robust Fuzzy Extractors and Authenticated Key Agreement From Close Secrets," with Yevgeniy Dodis, Leo Reyzin, and Adam Smith
Crypto 2006 This paper is superseded by the full version available above.
"On Expected Constant-Round Protocols for Byzantine Agreement," with Chiu-Yuen Koo
Crypto 2006 The full version is available above. An older version is available from the
eprint archives.
"Reliable Broadcast in Radio Networks: The Bounded Collision Case," with Chiu-Yuen Koo, Vartika Bhandari, and Nitin Vaidya
PODC 2006
"Parallel and Concurrent Security of the HB and HB+ Protocols," with Ji Sun Shin
Eurocrypt 2006 The full version is available.
This work is superseded by the journal version "Parallel and Concurrent Security of the HB and HB+ Protocols," with Ji-Sun Shin and Adam Smith, available above.
"Ring Signatures: Stronger Definitions, and Constructions without Random Oracles," with Adam Bender and Ruggero Morselli
3rd Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC) 2006 A version available on eprint is an extended version of what appeared in the proceedings. The full version is available above.
"Modeling Insider Attacks on Group Key-Exchange Protocols," with Ji Sun Shin
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2005 The full version and the presentation given at the conference are available.
"Secure Remote Authentication Using Biometric Data," with Xavier Boyen, Yevgeniy Dodis, Rafail Ostrovsky, and Adam Smith
Eurocrypt 2005 A revised version is available. (Note: this is essentially the same as the proceedings version, except that some mistakes have been fixed.)
"A Game-Theoretic Framework for Analyzing Trust-Inference Protocols," with Ruggero Morselli and Bobby Bhattacharjee
Second Workshop on the Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2004
A preliminary manuscript is available, as well as the presentation that was given at the P2Pecon workshop. A full(er) version of the paper is available on request.
"One-Round Protocols for Two-Party Authenticated Key Exchange," with Ik Rae Jeong and Dong Hoon Lee
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) 2004 A full version is available (this version corrects some minor errors in the prceedings version).
"Trust Preserving Set Operations," with Ruggero Morselli, Bobby Bhattacharjee, and Pete Keleher
IEEE Infocom 2004
"A Generic Construction for Intrusion-Resilient Public-Key Encryption," with Yevgeniy Dodis, Matt Franklin, Atsuko Miyaji, and Moti Yung
RSA 2004---Cryptographers' Track.
"Forward Secrecy in Password-Only Key Exchange Protocols," with Rafail Ostrovsky and Moti Yung
Security in Communication Networks 2002 The full version is available as "Efficient and Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Using Weak Passwords," above.
"Incremental and Unforgeable Encryption," with Enrico Buonanno and Moti Yung
Fast Software Encryption 2001
"Efficient Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Using Human-Memorizable Passwords," with Rafail Ostrovsky and Moti Yung
Eurocrypt 2001 A full version is available as "Efficient and Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Using Weak Passwords," above.
An older version is available at the eprint archives.
"A Chosen-Ciphertext Attack against Several E-mail Encryption Protocols," with Bruce Schneier
USENIX Security Symposium 2000
"Unforgeable Encryption and Chosen-Ciphertext-Secure Modes of Operation," with Moti Yung
Fast Software Encryption 2000
"Complete Characterization of Security Notions for Probabilistic, Private-Key Encryption," with Moti Yung
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2000 The full version is available above.
"On the Efficiency of Local Decoding Procedures for Error-Correcting Codes," with Luca Trevisan
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2000
"A Game-Theoretic Model Motivated by the DARPA Network Challenge," with Rajesh Chitnis, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, and Koyel Mukherjee
SPAA 2013 brief announcement. Also appeared at the Workshop on Risk Aversion in Algorithmic Game Theory and Mechanism Design, 2012
(The following have been superseded by other published papers listed above)
"Scalable Incrementally Verifiable Computation with Applications to Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Learning," with Kasra Abbaszadeh, Christodoulos Pappas, and Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Presented at Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop 2023 This work is superseded by the paper "Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Training for Deep Neural Networks," with Kasra Abbaszadeh, Christodoulos Pappas, and Dimitrios Papadopoulos
"Provable Security of Substitution-Permutation Networks" with Yevgeniy Dodis, John Steinberger, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam, and Zhe Zhang
(See also here.) This work is superseded by the paper "Provable Security of (Tweakable) Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks," with Benoît Cogliati,
Yevgeniy Dodis, Jooyoung Lee, John Steinberger, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam, and Zhe Zhang.
"Compact Signatures for Network Coding," with Brent Waters
This work is superseded by the paper "Signing a Linear Subspace: Signatures for Network Coding," with Dan Boneh, David Freeman, and Brent Waters.
"KeyChains: A Decentralized Public-Key Infrastructure," with Ruggero Morselli, Bobby Bhattacharjee, and Mike Marsh
Technical Report CS-TR-4788, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, 2006. Also filed as UMIACS-2006-12.
The results here are described in the paper
"Exploiting Approximate Transitivity of Trust," with Ruggero Morselli, Bobby Bhattacharjee, and Michael Marsh.