2015 |
Anis Abboud |
Equal-area Breaks: A Classification Scheme for Data to Obtain an Evenly-colored Chloropleth Map |
Abboud.pdf |
2016 |
Ahmed Abdelkader |
The Inapproximability of Illuminating Polygons by α-Floodlights |
Abdelrazek.pdf |
2014 |
Christopher Ackermann |
Integrated Functional and Non-Functional Design Verification for Embedded Software Systems |
Ackermann.pdf |
2014 |
Marco Adelfio |
Completion Prediction in Network Coding |
Adelfio.pdf |
2007 |
Mudit Agrawal |
Re-Targetable OCR with Intelligent Character Segmentation |
MuditAgrawal.pdf |
2020 |
Sweta Agrawal |
Controlling Text Complexity in Neural Machine Translation |
Marine Carpuat |
Agrawal, Sweta_scholarly paper.pdf |
2020 |
Omer Akgul |
Secrecy, Flagging, and Paranoia Revisited: User Attitudes Toward Encrypted Messaging Apps |
Akgul, Omer_scholarly paper.pdf |
Saeed Alaei |
Bayesian Combinatorial Auctions: Expanding Single Buyer Mechanisms to Many Buyers |
saeed_alaei_scholarly_paper.pdf |
Mujtaba Ali |
Unique Pointers: Performance, Burden and Inference |
MujtabaAli.pdf |
Christian Almazan |
Information Dynamics: Understanding Information in Computer and Software Systems |
infodynamics.pdf |
Rob Argue |
Supervised learning as a tool for metagame analysis |
Argue.pdf |
Aleks Aris |
Ubiquitous Computing |
AleksAris_UbiquitousComputing.pdf |
William Armstrong |
Using Topic Models to Investigate Depression on Social Media |
Armstrong.pdf |
Nima Asadi |
Pseudo Test Collections for Learning Web Search Ranking Functions |
NimaAsadi.pdf |
Randolph Baden |
IP Geolocation in Metropolitan Area Networks |
RandolphBaden.pdf |
Mossaab Bagdouri |
Towards Mimizing the Annotation Cost of Certified Text Classification |
Bagdouri.pdf |
Anand Bahety |
Extension and Evaluation of ID3 - Decision Tree Algorithm |
Bahety.pdf |
Arun Balasubramanian |
Dynamic Decentralized Preemptive Scheduling across Heterogenous Multi-core Desktop Grids |
Balasubramanian.PDF |
Adam Bender |
Privacy in Revealed and Dependent Databases |
AdamBender.pdf |
Greg Benjamin |
Secure k-anonymous Communication Protocols with Misbehavior Detection |
Benjamin.pdf |
Konstantin Berlin |
SignalDraw: GUI Tool For Generating Pulse Sequences |
berlin.pdf |
Preeti Bhargava |
An ontological context model for representing a situation and the design of an intelligent context-aware middleware |
Bhargava.pdf |
Souvik Bhattacherjee |
A Storage Framework for Managing Scientific Data |
SouvikB.pdf |
Sujal Bista |
Global Contours |
SujalBista.pdf |
Arijit Biswas |
Active Image Clustering: Seeking Constraints from Humans to Complement Algorithms |
Biswas.pdf |
2020 |
Sigurthor Bjorgvinsson |
In Search of a Generic Deepfake Detector |
Adam Porter |
Sigurthor_Bjorgvinsson_Scholarly_Paper_Deepfakes.pdf |
Jeffrey Blank |
Evaluating Window Placement for Hypertext-based Source Code Exploration Tools |
jblank.pdf |
Joshua Bradley |
A filtering strategy to reduce reference bias in measurements of allele-specific expression |
JoshBradley.pdf |
Matthias Broecheler |
Using Histograms to Better Answer Queries to Probabilistic Logic Programs |
Broecheler.pdf |
Joshua Brule |
PSCAN: Parallel, density-based clustering of protein sequences |
Brule.pdf |
Dan Bucatanschi |
RITIS Development Framework |
Bucatanschi.pdf |
Steven Burgart |
Gap Trap: A Pothole Detection and Reporting System Utilizing Mobile Devices |
Burgart.pdf |
George Caragea |
Data Prefetching on a Manycore Architecture Case Study: The XMT Platform |
caragea_scholarly_paper.pdf |
Carlos Castillo |
Using Stereo Matching for 2-D Face Recognition Across Pose |
carlos-castillo.pdf |
Victoria Cepeda |
Reference-guided Assembly of Metagenomic Sequences |
CepedaEspinoza.pdf |
Timur Chabuk |
Integrating Knowledge-Based and Case-Based Reasoning |
TimurChabuk.pdf |
2017 |
Des Chandhok |
MC3: A Multi-Class Consensus Classification Framework |
Chandhok.pdf |
2018 |
Rohan Chandra |
PhasePack: A Phase Retrieval Library |
Tom Goldstein |
Chandra, Rohan_1801.pdf |
Tiffany Chao |
Exploring personally relevant making |
Tiffany Chao.pdf |
Amit Chavan |
Chavan.pdf |
Daozheng Chen |
Dynamic Processing Allocation in Video |
DaozhengChen.pdf |
Jun-Cheng Chen |
Ambiguities in Camera Self-Calibration |
ChenJC.pdf |
Ping Chen |
The Adaptive Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method |
adaptive.pdf |
Ray Chen |
Finding Chapel's Peak: Introducing Auto-Tuning to the Chapel Parallel Programming Language |
RayChen.pdf |
2018 |
Javran Cheng |
Adding Gradual Types to Existing Languages |
Cheng, Javran_1801.pdf |
2018 |
Ronald Cheng |
D2PI: Identifying Malware through Deep Packet Inspection with Deep Learning |
Cheng, Ronald_1801.pdf |
Kan-Leung Cheng |
Emergence of Cooperative Societies in Evolutionary Games Using a Social Orientation Model |
KLCheng.pdf |
Hyoungtae Cho |
Coinonia: Privacy-Aware Meeting Scheduler based on Location-Based Services for Mobile Users |
HyoungtaeCho.pdf |
Hyunjong Cho |
Evaluation of LC-KSVD on UCF101 Action Dataset |
HyunjongCho.pdf |
Amanda Crowell |
A Survey of Access Control Policies |
ACrowell.pdf |
Nathaniel Crowell |
Parallel Algorithms for Graph Problems |
NCrowell.pdf |
Tim Destan |
Large Scale Entity Resolution of Quiz Bowl Questions |
Destan.pdf |
2017 |
Matthew Devlin |
Action-Based Learning: A Proposal for Robust Gesture & Object Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Domain Models |
Devlin.pdf |
Khoa Doan |
Performance Comparison of Big-Data Technologies in Locating Intersections in Satellite Ground Tracks |
Doan.pdf |
Justin Domke |
A Probabilistic Framework for Correspondence and Egomotion |
JustinDomke.pdf |
Ryan Dorson |
Analyzing the results of a usability study on CrosScan within the framework of the Android Design Principles and Material Design |
Dorson.pdf |
2017 |
Fan Du |
EventAction: Visual Analytics for Temporal Event Sequence Recommendation |
FanDu.pdf |
Ruofei Du |
The Design and Preliminary Evaluation of a Finger-Mounted Camera and Feedback System to Enable Reading of Printed Text for the Blind |
RuofeiDu.pdf |
Thomas DuBois |
Key Exchange with Cards: Generating Extra Bits in Expectation |
TomDubois.pdf |
Cody Dunne |
Improving Graph Drawing Readability by Incorporating Readability Metrics: A Software Tool for Network Analysts |
CodyDunneUpdate.pdf |
Cyntrica Eaton |
Improving Browsing Environment Compliance Evaluations for Websites |
EatonScholarly.pdf |
Aleksandrs Ecins |
Shadow free segmentation in still images using local density measure |
Ecins.pdf |
2018 |
Ryan Eckenrod |
Tracking Buses to Track Smartphone Users |
Eckenrod, Ryan_1801.pdf |
Soheil Ehsani |
Subcubic Equivalences Between APSP, Co-Diameter, and Other Complementary Problems |
Ehsani.pdf |
Vladimir Eidelman |
Language Model and Grammar Extraction Variation in Machine Translation |
vladimir_eidelman_ms_scholarly_paper.pdf |
Walaa ElDin M. Moustafa |
Who should catch (this Exception){?} |
WalaaMoustafa.pdf |
Tamer Elsayed |
TDT-2004: Adaptive Topic Tracking at Maryland |
tdt2004.pdf |
Kevin Engel |
Learning a Reversi Board Evaluator with Minimax |
Engel.pdf |
Peter Enns |
Predicting Viewer Reactions to Discourse in Political Debates |
Enns.pdf |
Hossein Esfandiari |
A Tight Algorithm for Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph on Two Terminals with Demands |
Esfandiari.pdf |
Ryan Farrell |
Ad-Hoc Sensor Localization in Active Camera Networks |
AdHocLocalization-farrell.pdf |
Mohammed Fathy |
Essential Matrix Estimation Using Adaptive Penalty Formations |
Fathy.pdf |
2019 |
Andrew Fichman |
Vega Postgres |
Leilani Battle |
Fichman, Andrew_scholarly paper.pdf |
Iason Filippou |
Assigning affinity-preserving binary hash codes to images |
Filippou.pdf |
Darya Filippova |
Interactive Exploration of Multivariate Categorical Data: Exploiting Ranking Criteria to Reveal Patterns and Outliers |
Filippova.pdf |
2018 |
Alejandro Flores-Velazco |
Nearest Neighbor Condensation with Guarantees |
Flores, Alejandro_1801.pdf |
Allan Fong |
Predicting Electrocardiogram and Arterial Blood Pressure Waveforms with Different Echo State Network Architectures |
Fong.pdf |
Peter Fontana |
A Combination of Decision Trees and Instance-Based Learning |
PeterFontana.pdf |
Sorelle Friedler |
Approximation Algorithm for the Kinetic Robust K-Center Problem |
Sorelle.pdf |
Brendan Fruin |
Semantic Cashing for Spatial Mobile Applications |
Fruin.pdf |
2019 |
Kelsey Fulton |
Towards a Customizable Framework for Evaluating Visualization Recommendations |
Leilani Battle |
fulton_scholarly_paper.pdf |
2017 |
Nicholas Fung |
Toward Real Time Autonomous Robotics Through Integration of Hierarchical Goal Network Planning and Low Level Control Libraries |
Fung - HGN Integration.pdf |
Michael Furr |
Checking Type Safety of Foreign Function Calls |
furr-scholary.pdf |
Vasile Gaburici |
A Fractional Differencing Method for File System Data Storage and Transmission |
fractionaldiff.pdf |
Mohammadreza Ghodsi |
Approximate String Matching using Backtracking over Suffix Arrays |
ghodsi.pdf |
Milad Gholami |
Parkbaan |
Gholami.pdf |
2017 |
Ahmed Elgohary Ghoneim |
Learning Monolingual Compositional Representations via Bilingual Supervision |
Ghoneim.pdf |
2017 |
Jay Ghurye |
Better Identification of Repeats in Metagenomic Scaffolding |
Ghurye.pdf |
Jonathan Gluck |
Hone: "Scaling Down" Hadoop on Shared-Memory Systems |
Gluck.pdf |
2017 |
Ujjwal Goel |
Taxonomy Tree Alignment |
Goel.pdf |
Samuel Dov Gordon |
Complete Fairness in Multi-Party Computation Without an Honest Majority |
DovGordon.pdf |
Nick Gramsky |
Seeder Finder - Identifying Additional Needles in the Twitter Haystack |
Gramsky.pdf |
David Greenfieldboyce |
Type Qualifiers for Java |
greenfiledboyce.pdf |
Adam Groce |
A New Framework for Efficient Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange |
AdamGroce.pdf |
Alexander Grushin |
The Effects of Static Fitness Function Noise Upon the Performance of Genetic Algorithms |
staticfitness.pdf |
John Alexis Guerra Gomez |
Interactive Visualizations for Comparing Two Trees with Structure and Node Value Changes |
GuerraGomez.pdf |
Abhinav Gupta |
Constraint Integration for Efficient Multiview Pose Estimation with Self-Occlusions |
agupta.pdf |
Akhil Gupta |
Skipping Streams with XHints |
xhints.pdf |
Neha Gupta |
Analysis of Computer Clock Characteristics for Location Determination |
NehaGupta.pdf |
2017 |
Neal Gupta |
Teaching Dimension versus VC Dimension |
NealGupta.pdf |
2017 |
Janani Gururam |
Performance Tuning and Evaluation of Iterative Algorithms in Spark |
Gururam.pdf |
Khoa Ha |
A method for depth-based hand tracing |
KhoaHa.pdf |
Hamid Haidarian Shahri |
Grounding the Foundations of Ontology Mapping on Neglected Ambitions |
Hamid.pdf |
Emily Hand |
Attributes for Improved Attributes |
EmilyHand.pdf |
Eric Hardisty |
Modeling Perspective Using Adaptor Grammars |
Hardisty.pdf |
Chaudhry Hassan Afzal |
High Performance Communication Between Parallel Components |
Afzal.pdf |
Christopher M. Hayden |
A Testing Based Empirical Study of Dynamic Software Update Safety Restrictions |
hayden.pdf |
Chang Hu |
Enhancing Readibility of Scanned Picture Books |
changhu.pdf |
Yuening Hu |
Interactive Topic Modeling |
YueningHu.pdf |
2020 |
Rangfu Hu |
Youtube Safety |
Hu, Rangfu_Youtube_Safety.pdf |
Mei Huang |
Multi-Class Document Layout Classification Using Random Chopping |
mei%20huang.pdf |
Samuel Huang |
Probabilistic Model Checking of Disease Spread and Prevention |
SamHuang.pdf |
Mohamed Hussein |
Real-Time Human Detection in Uncontrolled Camera Motion Environments |
hussein.pdf |
Phil Huynh |
An Evaluation of Nearest Neighbor Images-to-Classes versus Nearest Neighbor Images-to-Images |
PhilHuynh.pdf |
Thuan Huynh |
Improving Rule Extraction from Neural Networks by Modifying Hidden Layer Representation |
thuanhuynh.pdf |
Tugrul Ince |
Profile Driven Selective Program Loading |
Ince.pdf |
Mohit Iyyer |
Political Ideology Detection Using Recursive Neural Networks |
Iyyer.pdf |
2017 |
Somay Jain |
Compressed Volume Rendering using Deep Learning |
Jain.pdf |
2017 |
Xiaomeng Jiang |
FriendGuard: A Context-Awareness Mobile App Helps Securing College Female Safety |
Ashok Agrawala |
Xiaomeng, Jiang.pdf |
2023 |
Kevin Hyekang Joo |
CLIP-TSA: CLIP-Assisted Temporal Self-Attention for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection |
David Jacobs |
KevinHyekangJoo_hkjoo_05-2023.pdf |
Isaac Julien |
Aligning Real-Time Opinion Poll Responses with an Expectation-Maximization Algorithm |
Julien.pdf |
Jin Hyuk Jung |
Cholesky Decomposition and Linear Programming on a GPA |
jjung.pdf |
Aditya Kalyanpur |
Swoop: Design and Architecture of a Web Ontology Browser (/Editor) |
swoop.pdf |
Bhargav Kanagal |
Online Filtering, Smoothing and Probabilistic Modeling of Streaming Data |
BhargavKanagal.pdf |
Alap Karapurkar |
Modeling Human Activities |
karapurkar.pdf |
Srinivas Kashyap |
Node Ranking In Labeled Directed Graphs |
noderanking.pdf |
2018 |
Karan Kaur |
Birds of a Feather Reveal Together: A Promising Approach to Social Network De-Anonymization |
Kaur, Karan_1801.pdf |
Fatih Kaya |
Discretizing Continuous Features for Naive Bayes and C4.5 Classifiers |
fatih-kaya.pdf |
David Kelley |
Detection and Correction of False Segmental Duplications Caused by Genome Mis-assembly |
davidkelley.pdf |
Udayan Khurana |
An Introduction to Temporal Graph Data Management |
Khurana_SchPaper.pdf |
Jik-Soo Kim |
Comparing the Performance of High-Level Middleware Systems in Shared and Distributed Memory Parallel Environments |
highlevel.pdf |
Youngil Kim |
Virtual MeshTest--Improving Wireless Network Testbed Using Virtualization and Migration Algorithm |
YoungilKim.pdf |
Angjoo Kim |
Locally Scale-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks |
AngjooKim.pdf |
Morgan Kleene |
Information Flow Using CQual |
MorganKleene.pdf |
Ken Knudsen |
Impact of Collusion and Coalitions in RISK |
Knudsen.pdf |
Nikolaos Kofinas |
Leak Finder: A tool for Dynamic Analysis of Android Applications |
Kofinas.pdf |
Vladimir Kolovski |
Logic-Based Access Control Policy Specification and Management |
VKolovski.pdf |
Shravya Konda |
A Comparative Evaluation of Symbolic Learning Methods and Neural Learning Methods |
ShravyaKonda.pdf |
2017 |
Ahmed Kosba |
Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts |
Kosba.pdf |
Govind Kothari |
Dirichlet Process based model for GWAS |
Govind%20Kothari.pdf |
2017 |
Emily Kowalczyk |
Piecing Together App Behavior from Multiple Artifacts: A Case Study |
Kowalczyk, Emily MS paper.pdf |
Albert Koy |
Subgraphcentric LargeScale Graph Analytics on Spark |
AlbertKoy.pdf |
Gregory Kramida |
Resolving the Vergence-Accommodation Conflict in Head Mounted Displays |
Kramida.pdf |
Shivsubramani Krishnamoorthy |
Contextual Information Integration Platform for Humanitarian Relief |
Krishnamoorthy.pdf |
Nicholas Kuilema |
LockSTM: Mixing Locks and Transcactional Memory |
NickKuilema.pdf |
Dan Kuklov |
PEGAGUS--Architecture for Mobility using in situ 802.11 deployments at high velocities |
Kuklov-Pegasus.pdf |
2017 |
Srijan Kumar |
Edge Weight Prediction in Weighted Signed Networks |
SrijanKumar.pdf |
Jayant Kumar |
Codebook Based Handwritten and Printed Arabic Text Zone Classification |
JayantKumar.pdf |
Ashwin Kumar Kayyoor |
Data Placement and Replica Selection for Improving Co-location in Distributed Environments |
Kayyoor.pdf |
Ranjit Kumaresan |
The Round Complexity of Verifiable Secret Sharing: The Statistical Case |
Kumaresan.pdf |
Jack Kustanowitz |
Bi-level Hierarchical Layouts for Photo Libraries: Algorithms for Design Optimization with Quantum Content |
BiLevlHierarchicalLayouts_submitted.pdf |
Michael Lam |
Dynamic Floating-Point Cancellation Detection |
MikeLam.pdf |
Rongjian Lan |
The Picture of Health: Map-Based, Collaborative Spatio-Temporal Disease Tracking |
Rongjian Lan.pdf |
Grecia Lapizco-Encinas |
Effects of Cheaters in Altrustic Signaling |
cheaters.pdf |
2018 |
Tara Larrue |
Denoising Videos with Convolutional Autoencoders |
Larrue, Tara_1801.pdf |
Jaehwan Lee |
Decentralized Resource Management for Multi-core Desktop Grids |
Jaehwan_Lee.pdf |
Joonghoon Lee |
Exploring Global Terrorism Data: A Web-based Visualization of Temporal Data |
JoonghoonLee.pdf |
Hanseung Lee |
A New Visual Language for Incremental Generation of Visual Representations |
HanseungLee.pdf |
Vasileios Lekakis |
Topology Independence and Information Leakage in Replicated Storage Systems |
Lekakis.pdf |
Ang Li |
Planar Structure Matching Under Projective Uncertainty for Geolocation |
AngLi.pdf |
2018 |
Tongyang Li |
Efficient simulation of sparse Markovian quantum dynamics |
Andrew Childs |
Li, Tongyang_1801_1.pdf |
2018 |
Tongyang Li |
Quantum SDP Solvers: Large Speed-ups, Optimality, and Applications to Quantum Learning |
Xiaodi Wu |
Li, Tongyang_1801_2.pdf |
2018 |
Tongyang Li |
Quantum query complexity of entropy estimation |
Xiaodi Wu |
Li, Tongyang_1801_3.pdf |
Qianwen Li |
SymDroid: A Symbolic Executor to Identify Activity Permission in Android Application |
QianwenLi.pdf |
2018 |
Yancy Liao |
Supplementing information theory with opposite polarity of amino acids for protein contact prediction |
Liao, Yancy_1801.pdf |
Michael Lieberman |
You Are Where You Edit: Locating Wikipedia Users Through Edit Histories |
Lieberman.pdf |
Naiwen Lin |
QR and RNG in Flagon, Web Service Composition with User Preferences |
NaiwenLin.pdf |
Liping Liu |
Implementation of LU |
LipingLiu.pdf |
Ran Liu |
ManyLists: Product Comparison Tool Using Spatial Layouts with Animated Transitions |
RanLiu.pdf |
John Locke |
LeechLock: Preventing Selfish Clients in the BitTorrent Protocol |
JohnLocke.pdf |
Teng Long |
Overlap and Synergy in Testing Software Components Across Loosely-Coupled Communities |
TengLong.pdf |
Cristian Lumezanu |
Decentralized Message Ordering |
Lumezanu.pdf |
Yuancheng Luo |
Alternative Tilings for the Fast Multipole Method on the Plane |
YuanchengLuo.pdf |
Matthew Mah |
Device-Free Passive Localization |
MatthewMah.pdf |
Hitesh Maidasani |
A Context-Aware Amusement Park |
Maidasani.pdf |
Azarakhsh Malekian |
Improved Algorithms for Data Migration |
malekian.pdf |
Sana Malik |
Punctuation Input on Touchscreen Keyboards: Analyzing Frequency of Use and Costs |
Malik.pdf |
Varun Manjunatha |
Supervised Image Hashing with Proximal Methods |
Manjunatha.pdf |
Rahmatri Mardiko |
Predicting Users' First Impressions of Website Aesthetics With a Quantification of Perceived Visual Complexity and Colorfulness |
Mardiko.pdf |
Elizabeth McNany |
Metacognitive Guidance in a Dialog Agent |
McNany.pdf |
Nargess Memarsadeghi |
Cokriging Interpolation |
cokriging.pdf |
David Mihalcik |
The Design and Implementation of ViPER |
davidm-viper.pdf |
Casey Mihaloew |
Automated search for randomized algorithms for recursive 3-MAJ and 5-MAJ |
Mihaloew.pdf |
2018 |
Pouya Moetakef |
Minimum capacity full array escape routing |
Samir Khuller |
Pouya Motakef - scholarly_report.pdf |
Derek Monner |
An Unsupervised Learning Method for Representing Simple Sentences |
DerekMonner.pdf |
Megan Monroe |
Exploring Point and Interval Event Patterns: Display Methods and Interactive Visual Query |
MeganMonroe.pdf |
Chris Musialek |
Distill-ery: Iterative Topic Modeling to Improve the Content Analysis Process |
Musialek.pdf |
Galileo Namata |
Inferring Formal Titles in Organizational Email Archives |
GalileoNamata.pdf |
2017 |
Kartik Nayak |
An Oblivious Parallel RAM with O(log2N) Parallel Runtime |
Nayak.pdf |
Sonia Ng Zeng |
Spot and Park: Where Mobile Technology Meets Parking Management |
Ng%20Zeng.pdf |
Bao Nguyen |
Top-k Queries in Uncertain OLAP |
BaoNguyen.pdf |
Morimichi Nishigaki |
Color Segmentation-based Optical Flows Computation and Motion Segmentation |
MNishigaki.pdf |
2017 |
Xing Niu |
Parallel Training Data Selection for Conversational Machine Translation |
Niu.pdf |
Angela Noh |
ConfViz: Supportive Configuration Visualization for Guaranteed Coverage Analysis |
AngelaNoh.pdf |
Neeti Ogale |
A survey of techniques for human detection from video |
neetiPaper.pdf |
Joseph Owen |
Crowdsourcing Bikeshare Transit Planning: An Empirical Investigation of Washington D.C. and New York City |
JosephOwen_Bikeshare.pdf |
Matthew Paisner |
Symbolic Anomaly Detection and Assessment Using Growing Neural Gas |
Paisner.pdf |
Martin Paraskevov |
The Geometric Set k-cover problem through the prism of polychromatic colorings of range spaces and planar graphs |
Paraskevov.pdf |
Eunhui Park |
A Dynamic Data Structure for Approximate Range Searching |
EunhuiPark.pdf |
Sungwoo Park |
Portfolio Selection Using Tikhonov Filtering to Estimate the Covariance Matrix |
Sungwoo%20Park_Scholarly%20Paper.pdf |
Nir Peer |
AlwaySocial: Social Networking in the Real World |
NirPeer.pdf |
Shangfu Peng |
SPDO: High-Throughput Road Distance Computations on Spark Using Distance Oracles |
ShangfuPeng.pdf |
2017 |
Thomas Pensyl |
Partial rounding and near-independence |
Pensyl.pdf |
2018 |
Ivan Petrov |
Measuring the Rapid Growth of HSTS and HPKP Deployments |
Dave Levin |
Petrov, Ivan_1801.pdf |
Adam Phillippy |
Optimized Probe Selection for Pan-genomic DNA Microarrays |
phillippy.pdf |
Manish Purohit |
Improved algorithms and analysis for the laminar matroid secretary problem |
Purohit.pdf |
Qiang Qiu |
A Unified Approach for Modeling and Recognition of Individual Actions and Group Activities |
Qiang%20Qiu.pdf |
Alexander Quinn |
Readability of Scanned Books in Digital Libraries |
AlexQuinn.pdf |
Eric Raboin |
Generating Strategies for Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Games in Partially Observable Euclidean Space |
Raboin.pdf |
Prahalad Rajkumar |
A Survey of Monte-Carlo Techniques in Games |
Rajkumar.pdf |
Srividya Ramaswamy |
Comparing the Efficiency of Two Clustering Techniques |
Srividya_Ramaswamy.pdf |
Sudha Rao |
Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation using Learning to Search |
SudhaRao-1.pdf |
Sudha Rao |
Biomedical event extraction using Abstract Meaning Representation |
SudhaRao-2.pdf |
2018 |
Elissa Redmiles |
Net Benefits: Digital Inequities in Social Capital, Privacy Preservation, and Digital Parenting Practices of U.S. Social Media Users |
Redmiles, Elissa_1801.pdf |
Elnatan Reisner |
Using Symbolic Evaluation to Understand Behavior in Configurable Software Systems |
Reisner.pdf |
2020 |
Tamer Rogabi |
ShadowNet: Deep Learning for Adding Shadows to a Scene |
Mograbi, Tomi_Scholarly paper.pdf |
Patrick Roos |
Risk Preference and Sequential Choice in Evolutionary Games |
PatrickRoos.pdf |
Brianne Roth |
An Alternative Method for Computing the Semidiscrete Matrix Decomposition |
rothpaper.pdf |
David Rouff |
Concept Map: Visualizing Data Clusters in Categorical Domains |
DavidRouff.pdf |
Nickolas Rutar |
Optimized Register Usage for Dynamic Instrumentation |
Rutar.pdf |
2017 |
Karthik Abinav Sankararaman |
Semi-Bandit feedback: A survey of results |
Sankararaman.pdf |
Brianna Satinoff |
An Evaluation of Two Algorithms for Hierarchically Semiseparable Matrices |
Satinoff.pdf |
Asad Sayeed |
Prepositions and scrambling: potential consequences for the architecture of language |
Sayeed.pdf |
Hassan Sayyadi |
FutureRank: Ranking Scientific Articles by Predicting Their Future |
sayyadi.pdf |
Patricia J. Sazama |
An Overview of Visualizing Dynamic Graphs |
Sazama.pdf |
Michael Schatz |
BlastReduce: High Performance Short Reading Mapping with MapReduce |
MichaelSchatz.pdf |
Aaron Schulman |
On the Fidelity of 802.11 Packet Traces |
schulman.pdf |
Rachel Schwartz |
An Efficient Implementation of the Robust k-Center Clustering Problem |
Rachel_Schwartz.pdf |
Jessica Seastrom |
Characterizing Transport Layer Behavior in the MeshTest Wireless Testbed |
Seastrom.pdf |
Emre Sefer |
Metric Labeling and Semi-metric Embedding for Protein Annotation Prediction |
Sefer.pdf |
Yoav Segev |
Complete Domain Decomposition A new approach to communication avoidance when solving boundary value problems in a parallel environment |
Segev.pdf |
Vivek Sehgal |
Entity Resolution in Geospatial Data Integration |
sehgal.pdf |
Paulo Shakarian |
SCARE: The Spatio-Cultural Abductive Reasoning Engine |
Shakarian.pdf |
2017 |
Amr Sharaf |
Variance Reduction for Structured Prediction with Bandit Feedback |
sharaf.pdf |
Hossam Sharara |
Understanding Actor Loyalty to Event-Based Groups in Affiliation Networks |
HossamSharara.pdf |
Puneet Sharma |
A method to efficiently select the suitable barrier algorithm during the system characterization task |
PuneetSharma.pdf |
Sameer Shirdhonkar |
Non-Negative Lighting and Specular Object Recognition |
Specular.pdf |
2017 |
Ashwin Shivapuram |
A Parallel Hybrid Framework for Graph Processing |
Shivapuram.pdf |
Behjat Siddiquie |
Combining Multiple Kernels for Efficient Image Classification |
Siddiquie.pdf |
Tandeep Sidhu |
Spot and Park: Parking Management System |
Sidhu.pdf |
Gerardo Simari |
Computing Most Probable Worlds for Action Probabilistic Logic Programs |
GerardoSimari.pdf |
Evren Sirin |
Automated Composition of Web Services using AI Planning Techniques |
aiplanning.pdf |
Amy Sliva |
Find Most Probable Worlds of Probablistic Logic Programs: a Parallel Approach |
AmySliva.pdf |
Charles Song |
Evaluating and Tuning Predictors for Execution Classification |
CharlesSong.pdf |
Hyunyoung Song |
CubeExplore: An Evaluation of Interaction Techniques in Architectural Education |
hsong_scholarly.pdf |
Sukhyun Song |
Decentralized Pairwise Bandwidth Prediction |
SukhyunSong.pdf |
Awalin Sopan |
Application of Manynets to Analyze Dynamic Networks and Compare Oline Communities |
Sopan.pdf |
Sharath Srinivas |
Indexing Techniques for Temporal Text Containment Queries |
sharathsrinivas.pdf |
2017 |
Virinchi Srinivas |
Framework for Replaying Transactions Using Dependency Graph |
Daniel Abadi |
virinchi_paper.pdf |
2017 |
Rock Stevens |
Summoning Demons: The Pursuit of Exploitable Bugs in Machine Learning |
Stevens.pdf |
Jaymie Strecker |
An Empirical Evaluation of Test Adequacy Criteria for Event-Driven Programs |
strecker.pdf |
2017 |
Octavian Suciu |
Vulnerability Disclosure in the Age of Social Media: Exploiting Twitter for Predicting Real-World Exploits |
Suciu.pdf |
2018 |
Xuetong Sun |
View-Dependent Text Placement for Augmented Reality using Offset Surfaces |
Amitabh Varshney |
Sun, Xuetong_1801.pdf |
Jared Sylvester |
Maximizing Diffusion on Dynamic Social Networks |
Sylvester.pdf |
Nicholas Sze |
Construction of Composite Numbers by Recursively Exponential Numbers |
sze.pdf |
2020 |
Ahmed Taha |
Kid-Net: Convolution Networks for Kidney Vessels Segmentation from CT-Volumes |
Larry Davis |
Taha, Ahmed_MS Scholarly.pdf |
Dave Tahmoush |
Computer Vision and Learning Approaches to Medical Imaging |
compvision.pdf |
Sureyya Tarkan |
The Formal Specification of a Kitchen Environment |
Tarkan.pdf |
Benjamin Teitler |
NewsStand: A New View on News |
Teitler.pdf |
Alison Teoh |
Reuse for Code-Level Generalization |
Teoh.pdf |
Shashvat Thakor |
An Empirical Comparison of Fault-Detection Effectiveness and Cost of Exhaustive and Pair-Wise Testing |
ShashvatThakor.pdf |
2020 |
Jessica Thompson |
Applying Boosting Techniques to the training of RBMs and VAEs |
Thompson, Jessica_MS_Scholarly paper.pdf |
Ananta Tiwari |
Auto-tuning Parallel Programs at Compiler- and Application-Levels |
Tiwari.pdf |
Mohammad Toossi |
AYAC: A Probabilistic Complex Event Processor for Incomplete Streams |
toossi-ayac.pdf |
Khoa Trinh |
A Survey of Algorithms for Capacitated k-median Problems |
Trinh.pdf |
Jonathan Turpie |
MultiOtter: Multiprocess Symbolic Execution |
Turpie.pdf |
Alexandros Tzannes |
Automatic XMTC to Cilk Translation |
Tzannes.pdf |
Praveen Vaddadi |
Selfishness, Cooperation and Topology Dynamics in Networks |
Vaddadi.pdf |
Michael VanDaniker |
Visualizing Real-Time and Archived Traffic Incident Data |
VanDaniker.pdf |
Maria Vanina Martinez |
An Axiomatic Approach to Measure the Degree of Dirtiness in Relational Databases |
Martinez.pdf |
Balaji Vasan Srinivasan |
Fast Matrix-Vector Product Based FGMRES for Kernel Machines |
Srinivasan.pdf |
Marcelo Velloso |
Computing 3D Curvature through a Bucket PR Octree |
Velloso.pdf |
Nicholas Violi |
Caretaker: A Social Game for Studying Trust Dynamics |
NicholasVioli.pdf |
2017 |
Yogarshi Vyas |
Sparse BilingualWord Representations for Cross-lingual Lexical Entailment |
Vyas.pdf |
Nathaniel Waisbrot |
Hybrid Techniques for Classical Planning |
waisbrot.pdf |
2017 |
Faizan Wajid |
CrimeStand: Spatial Tracking of Criminal Activity |
Wajid.pdf |
Xu Wang |
From Centralization to Distribution: a Comparison of File Sharing Protocols |
XuWang.pdf |
2018 |
Gavin Watson |
A Comparison of Header and Deep Packet Features when Detecting Network Intrusions |
Watson, Gavin_1801.pdf |
2018 |
Ashton Webster |
An Application of Jeeves for Honeypot Sanitization |
Webster, Ashton_1801.pdf |
Brandyn White |
Towards Flexible Classification: Cost-Aware Online Query of Cascades and Operating Points |
BrandynWhite.pdf |
R. Kent Wills |
Efficient Sentiment Analysis of Feeds for Rapid User Information Gain |
Wills.pdf |
Shomir Wilson |
An Active Logic Approach to Moore's Paradox |
ShomirWilson.pdf |
Peratham Wiriyathammabhum |
Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing: Recent Approaches in Multimedia and Robotics |
PerathamW.pdf |
Krist Wongsuphasawat |
Finding Comparable Patient Histories: A Temporal Categorical Similarity Measure with an Interactive Visualization |
Wongsuphasawat.pdf |
Derek Wood |
Improving genome start site annotations with multiple alignments of homologous proteins |
DerekWood.pdf |
Qian Wu |
Spatial Hashtags in Tweets |
QianWu.pdf |
Shanchan Wu |
An Approximate Scheme to Mine Frequent Patterns over Data Streams |
ShanchanWu.pdf |
2017 |
Konstantinos Xirogiannopoulos |
Extracting and Analyzing Hidden Graphs from Relational Databases |
Xirogiannopoulos.pdf |
2017 |
Zheng Xu |
Adaptive ADMM with Spectral Penalty Parameter Selection |
ZhengXu.pdf |
2017 |
Abhay Kumar Yadav |
Biconvex Relaxation for Semidefinite Programming in Computer Vision |
Yadav.pdf |
Fusun Yaman-Sirin |
A Logic of Motion |
logic.pdf |
2020 |
Fan Yang |
Yang, Fan_MS scholarly paper.pdf |
2017 |
Weiwei Yang |
A Discriminative Topic Model using Document Network Structure |
YangWeiwei.pdf |
Philip Yang |
Bayesian Nonparametrics Analysis of Spatial Temporal fMRI Signals |
PhilipYang.pdf |
Jihwang Yeo |
WLAN Workload Characterization |
wlan.pdf |
Arkady Yerukhimovich |
A General Framework for One Database Private Information Retrieval |
Arkady-pircomp.pdf |
Hyoungjune Yi |
Detecting semi-specular reflection component from a sequence of images |
H%20Yi.pdf |
Konstantinos Zampogiannis |
Manipulation action representations via tracking object-wise spatial relations |
Zampogiannisrev.pdf |
Nico Zazworka |
Tool Supported Detection and Judgment of Nonconformance in Process Execution |
Zazworka.pdf |
Ke Zhai |
Using Variational Inference and MapReduce to Scale Topic |
KeZhai.pdf |